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Department of Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the use of biological processes or product to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of life and environment. Biotechnology is the fastest growing knowledge based sector in India and rest of the world. With the country offering research and development facilities, knowledge, skills, and cost effectiveness, biotechnologist has greater role to play.

Department of Biotechnology at P. A. College of Engineering established in the year 2002, conducts four years B. E. in Biotechnology programme under Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgum. The department since its inception reached greater heights while catering the need of the society and industry. Salient feature of the department is as follows.

  • Well qualified and dedicated faculty with specialization in core fields of biotechnology.
  • Well equipped VTU approved Research Centre to conduct research in frontiers of Biotechnology.
  • Four University Ranks and 100% results in final year university examinations for the past 10 years.
  • Ten student research projects sponsored by KSCST and VGST, Government of Karnataka.
  • Three major research projects financially supported by Ministry of Earth Science, New Delhi, and Department of IT, BT and ST, Government of Karnataka.
  • Published more than 60 research papers in the National and International Journals and two books that were prescribed as text book by various state and private universities.
  • Innovative ideas of students are pitched and incubated through, Ktech-innovation hub, Government of Karnataka and MSME-incubation Centre, Government of India.
  • Biotek forum of the department conducts various programmes to update knowledge, develop skill and inculcate professional attitude.
  • Students are placed in bio-processing industries, and research laboratories through Placement and training department, and also through Biotech alumni platform.
  • Guidance for students who likes to pursue Master’s and Doctoral program in India, USA, Europe, Canada and Australia.
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Message from HOD

Dr. Krishna Prasad

Professor & Head
Department of Biotechnology

Department of Biotechnology was established in the year 2002 with the vision to be recognised as a Department of International repute to teach and train students in the interdisciplinary areas in biological science and engineering. The department is offering undergraduate programme in Biotechnology to cater the needs of the industry.

The students are motivated to develop dynamic professionalism to become the best biotechnologist and entrepreneurs. Modern Biotechnology has application in medicine, food, agriculture industry and environmental sector. The department is approved by Visvesvaraiah Technological University as a research centre to carry out research work in the frontiers of Biotechnology.

We have highly qualified and dedicated faculty with specialization in agriculture Biotechnology, food Biotechnology, nanotechnology, medical Biotechnology, and environmental Biotechnology. We have highly equipped laboratories.

Total intake of the department is 30. For the past ten years we have achieved 100% results in the final year university examination conducted by Visvesvaraiah Technological University, Belgaum. We have produced two university rank holders. Ten of the final year research projects were financially supported by Karnataka State Council for Science technology, Bangalore.

Biotechnology is a research oriented field and one third of our students are already pursuing Masters and Doctoral program in India, USA, Europe, North America and Australia. Our students are placed in companies such as Biocon, Monsanto, Cell works, Nicholas Piramal Life Sciences, XL Life Sciences, IMT Technologies etc.

The department has published more than 60 research papers in the National and International Journals and Published three Text Books. These were prescribed text book for VTU, Annamallai University, Chennai, University of Calicut, Northern Maharashtra University and SRM University. Biotechnology is the fastest growing knowledge based sector in India. With the country offering R&D facilities, knowledge, skills, and cost effectiveness, the biotechnologist has greater role to play.

VTU University Rank Holders in BE Biotechnology Examination

Ms. Anju B.

10th rank (2014-2018)
BE      Biotechnology   University    

Ms. Fathimath Thasreen

VTU 5th rank (2013-2017)
BE    Biotechnology     University     

Mr. Ashis Elton Moraes

VTU 5th rank (2008-2012)
BE    Biotechnology     University     

Ms. Shanon L. Monteiro

VTU 5th rank (2004-2008)
BE     Biotechnology     University     

Ms. Anoosha Rao

3rd Rank (2017 - 2021)
BE     Biotechnology.     University     

Ms. Naila Anwar

4th Rank (2017 - 2021)
BE     Biotechnology.     University     

Ms. Feenah Hakeem

5 th Rank (2022-23)
BE     Biotechnology.     University     

Ms. Harshitha N Shettigar

6 th Rank (2022-23)
BE     Biotechnology.     University     

  • To produce engineers with in-depth knowledge of Basic engineering concepts in mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanical, civil, electrical and electronics, computer science and biological sciences for engineering application.
  • To train the students with technical skills in biotechnology and interdisciplinary field to meet the industrial demands.
  • To upgrade the skills in microbial processes and computer based applications in Biotechnology.
  • To expertise the students with analytical and problem solving abilities with special emphasis on research, entrepreneurship and career.
  • To create responsible biotechnology engineers with high ethical and moral values.

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  • To utilize the knowledge in biotechnology to identify nick areas for higher studies and research.
  • To use skills in biotechnology to solve industrial problems in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Course Structure

  • Semester 1
  • Calculus And Linear Algebra
  • Engineering Physics
  • Basic Electrical Engineering
  • Elements Of Civil Engineering And Mechanics
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Engineering Physics Laboratory
  • Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
  • Technical English-I
  • Semester 2
  • Advance Calculus And Numerical Methods
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • C Programming For Problem Solving
  • Basic Electronics
  • Elements Of Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
  • C Programming Laboratory
  • Technical English-II
  • Semester 3
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Unit Operations
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Cell Biology and Genetics
  • Basics of Computer Applications
  • Unit Operation Laboratory
  • Microbiology Laboratory
  • Kannada/Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights
  • Semester 4
  • Biostatistics and Biomodeling
  • Biochemical Thermodynamics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Bioprocess Principles & Calculations
  • Structural Biology
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Kannada/Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights
  • Semester 5
  • Bio-Kinetics & Bioreaction Engineering
  • Genetic Engineering & Applications
  • Immunotechnology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Microbial Biotechnology/Transport Phenomena/Animal Biotechnology/Bioinstrumentation & Biosensors
  • Biology for Engineers/Biomaterials/Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment
  • Genetic Engineering & Immunotechnology Laboratory
  • Bioinformatics Laboratory
  • Semester 6
  • Bio-business and Entrepreneurship
  • Bioprocess Control & Automation
  • Enzyme Technology & Biotransformation
  • Bioprocess Equipment Design & CAED
  • Biomolecular Engineering/Advanced Microbiolog/Cell Culture Techniques/Economics and Plant Design
  • Biological Data Management/Nano Biotechnology/Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Bioprocess Control & Automation Laboratory
  • Biokinetics & Enzyme Technology Laboratory
  • Semester 7
  • Fermentation Technology
  • Genomics & Proteomics
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Health Informatics/Bioreactor Design Concepts/Lab to Industrial Scaling/Food Biotechnology
  • Dairy Biotechnology/Forensic Science/Molecular Diagnostics/Big Data Management
  • Fermentation Technology Laboratory
  • Plant Biotechnology Laboratory
  • Project Work Phase–I & Project work Seminar
  • Semester 8
  • Clinical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Regulatory affairs in Biotech Industry
  • Protein Engineering and insilico drug design/Metbolic Engineering/Environmental Biotechnology
  • Internship/ Professional Practice
  • Project Work-II
  • Seminar on current trends in Engineering and Technology
  • Dr. Krishna Prasad N

    Professor and Head

    Qualification : M.Sc, Ph.D
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  • Dr. Krishna Prasad N

    Professor and Head

    M.Sc, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    Biotechnologist with 30 years of Industrial research, and teaching experience after receiving Ph. D. degree

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.Sc.
    Year : 1988
    University : Mangalore University, Mangalore
    PG Degree : M.Sc.
    Year : 1991
    University : Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore University, Mangalore
    Doctoral Degree : “Changes in non-protein nitrogenous substances and deteriorative changes in lipids in fresh, dried, salted and dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius)”
    Year : 1995
    University : Central Institute of Fisheries Education, ICAR, Deemed University, Mumbai

    Teaching Experience


    Research Experience


    Industry Experience

    11 Years

    Specialization Ph.D

    Fish Processing Technology

    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Bio instrumentation and Biosensor.
    Enzyme Technology and Bio transformation 
    Downstream processing Technology
    Bioethics and Bio-safety
    Biology for Engineers
    Fermentation Technology

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Technical Interest


    Skill Set

    Protein purification
    Enzyme kinetics 

    National journals

    1. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Adel D’cunha, Priyanka Miranda, Swetha Nayak, Anantharamakrishna, Isolation and characterization  of  visceral trypsin of Japanese threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicas), Biotechnology, 5(2), ISSN 0974-7435, 123-129, Feb-2011.
    2. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Shruthi Kanthaje, Sowmya Ganga, Usha Kumari, Vishnu Prasad Kamath, Non-invasive urease-biosensor to monitor freshness of spotted catfish, (Arius maculatus), Biotechnology, 5(4), ISSN 0974-7435, 142-147, Apr-2011.
    3. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Kotian Pooja, Jaivika, Lorene Wilinda Pinto, Madeeha Majeed, Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung-enriched cellulose rich microcrystalline betel nut shells, Biotechnology, 5(2), ISSN 0974-7435, 73-78, Feb-2011
    4. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective methods for post harvest intervention in processing of Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius), Biotechnology, 2(2), ISSN 0974-7435, 111-122, Feb-2008
    5. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Deepa Chandrashekar, Deepa Nambiar, Vikas Shetty, Prithviraj, Isolation and characterization of alkaline phosphatase from the hepatopancreatic wastes of brown shrimp, Parapenaeopsis stylifera, Biotechnology, 2(1), ISSN 0974-7435, 1-8, Jan-2008.
    6. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Changes in non-protein nitrogenous substances and deteriorative changes in lipids during sundrying or artificial drying of freshly caught Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius), and its impact on the final dried products, Biochemistry, 2(2-3), ISSN 0974-7427, 83-90, Mar-2008.

    International journals

    1. Aparna Kumar, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,  Nano-finishing of low and high GSM single jersey knitted cotton fabrics, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 1271-1275, Jan-2019.
    2. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,  Effective primary clarification techniques to remove insolubles from the proteins of hyaluronidase activity in the hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate of Brown shrimp, Metapenaeus monoceros, International Journal Of Analytical Bio-Science, 6(2), ISSN 2187-7912, 30-39, Jun-2018.
    3. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Ronald Valder,  Effect of time and temperature on the fermentation of Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap by Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate YN3, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(5), ISSN 2229-5518, 308-315, May-2018.
    4. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Ronald Valder, Fermentative characteristics of Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T) in Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap at different temperatures, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(5), ISSN 2229-5518, 301-307, May-2018.
    5. Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective disruption method of shrimp hepatopancreatic tissues to release hyalauronidase, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,9(3), ISSN 2229-5518, 336-341, Mar-2018.
    6. Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of pH and components of buffer on the hyaluronidase activity in hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimp during homogenization, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3), ISSN 2229-5518, 342-346, Apr-2018
    7. Ronald Valder, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Microbial Characteristics Of Freshly Tapped Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer) Sap, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 347-353, Jan-2018
    8. Ronald Valder, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Physico-Chemical Changes In Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer) Sap at Different Temperature, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 761-766, Jan-2018
    9. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Characteristics of alkaline phosphatase isolated from the hepatopancreas of Indian white shrimp, (Penaeus indicus), International Journal Of Analytical Bio-Science, 3(4), ISSN 2187-7912, 97-106, Dec-2015
    10. Ajay S. Khandagale, Balladka Kunhanna Sarojini, Suchetha N. Kumari, Siva Durga Suman Joshi & Krishnaprasad Nooralabettu,  Isolation, purification and biochemical characterization of trypsin from Indian mackerel (Rastralliger kanagurta), Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 24(4), ISSN 1547-0636, 354-367, May-2015
    11. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Optimization of chromatographic criterion to recover Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) alkaline phosphatase from hepatopancreas, British Biotechnology Journal, 4(9), ISSN 2231–2927, 1011-1025,  Aug-2014
    12. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, High-throughput primary clarification of Tiny shrimp (Parapenaeopsis stylifera) hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate during the recovery of crude alkaline Phosphatase, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, 2(3), ISSN 2187-7912, 93-100, Jul-2014.
    13. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective Removal of Insolubles from Brown Shrimp Hepatopancreatic Homogenate during Primary Stages of Alkaline Phosphatase Recovery,  Journal of Investigational biochemistry, 3(2), ISSN: 2146-8338, 65-69, Jul-2014.
    14. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficient clarification of the hepatopancreatic homogenate of Red shrimp during the recovery of crude Alkaline Phosphatase, Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin, 38(1), ISSN: 0125-796X, 8-19, Apr-2014.
    15. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective Anion Exchange Chromatographic Purification of Hepatopancreatic Alkaline Phosphatase of Red shrimp, Solenocera choprai, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, 2(2), ISSN 2187-7912, 41-51, Feb-2014.
    16. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Concentration technique during the recovery of alkaline phosphatase from Red shrimp hepatopancreas, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5 (7), ISSN 2229-5518, 336-342, Jul-2014
    17. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Optimization of ammonium sulfate precipitation method to achieve high throughput concentration of crude alkaline phosphatase from Brown shrimp (Metapenaeus monoceros) hepatopancreas, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, 2(1), ISSN 2187-7912, 7-16, Jan-2014.
    18. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficiency of Ion Exchange Chromatography to Resolve Alkaline Phosphatase from Hepatopancreas of Tiny Shrimp, Parapenaeopsis stylifera, International Journal of Chromatographic Science, 3(2), ISSN 0021 9665, Dec-2013.
    19. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, High throughput Diethylaminoethyl cellulose chromatographic purification of Alkaline Phosphatase from Hepatopancreas of Brown shrimp, Metapenaeus mononoceros, Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology, 3(12), ISSN: 2090-4266, 19-25, Dec-2013
    20. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficient concentration of clarified Tiny shrimp hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate during the recovery of crude alkaline phosphatase by ammonium sulfate, International Journal of Research in Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 3(4), ISSN: 2277-3827, 33-39, Mar-2013
    21. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective Concentration Method for the Recovery of Crude Alkaline Phosphatase from the Clarified Hepatopancreatic Tissue Homogenate of Shrimp by Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation, Journal of Food Nutritional Disorders, 2(2), ISSN:2324-9323 DOI:10.4172/2324-9323.1000111, 1-6, May-2013.
    22. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Katyayani Puttige,  Primary recovery of alkaline phosphatase from hepatopancreatic tissue homogenates of Indian white shrimp at varied centrifugal force and time, Food Science & Biotechnology, 22(2), ISSN 1226-7708, DOI 10.1007/s10068-013-0093-x, 399-405, Apr-2013.
    23. Katyayani Puttige, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of homogenization speed and time on the recovery of alkaline phosphatase from the hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimps, Food Science & Biotechnology, 21(2), ISSN 1226-7708 DOI 10.1007/s10068-012-0058-5, 461-466, Apr-2012.
    24. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of pre-drying handling on the quality of the final dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius), Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(4), ISSN 1023-2796, 331-340, Dec-2011.
    25. Katyayani Puttige, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Alkaline Phosphatase Activity during Homogenisation of Hepatopancreatic Tissues of Shrimps using Sodium acetate, KCl solution, Tris-HCl and Glycine-NaOH buffer, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2(10), ISSN 2229-5518, 1-6, Feb-2011.
    26. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficiency of pre-drying handling practices in improving the quality attributes of the final artificial dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius), Food Manufacturing Efficiency Journal, 2(3), ISSN 1750-2683, 31-39, Mar-2009
    27. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of sun drying and artificial drying of fresh, salted, Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius) on the physical characteristics of the Product, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 17(2), ISSN 1049-8850, 99-116, Oct-2008

    Books Published Details

    1. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Downstream processing-New horizon in biotechnology, Prentice Hall of India (PHI), New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-203-4040-4, 1-370, 2011
    2. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Enzyme Technology-Pacemaker of biotechnology, Prentice Hall of India (PHI), New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-203-4239-2, 1-360, 2011.

    Papers Presented in National Conference

    1. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Biotechnological production of oral health care product from Mimusops elengi, Syzygium aromaticum and Arachis hypogaea, Proceeding of the symposium-National Conference on RBDHDCB-2009, O-15, 31-31.
    2. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Pooja Kotian, Jaivika, Loren Wilinda Pinto and Madeeha Majeedh, Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung enriched beetle nut shell Proceeding of the 33th Series-Students Projects Programme (Engineering) Technical Record, 2009-2010, 33S162, 42-43
    3. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Sahin, Saman, Bhavana Nullipady, and Shahanawaz. Biotechnological oral healthcare product Proceeding of the 32th Series-Students Projects Programme (Engineering) Technical Record, 2008-2009, 32S337, 33-34
    4. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Monteiro S.L., Kini, S, Ansari, F. and  Rahman, R. A, Edible tooth paste for appetite, Proceeding of the  31st  Series-Students Projects Programme (Engineering) Technical Record, 2007-2008, 31S342, 35-36
    5. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Kamat, A, Deepika, D’souza D.J. and Rao S.P.,  Probiotic health drink from palm sap (Borassus flabellifer L. ) Toddy, Proceeding of the 30th Series-Students Projects Programme (Engineering) Technical Record, 2006-2007, 30S162, 28-29.

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    1. Food Spoilage detection using curcumin impregnated smart buttons, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
    2. Extraction, identification and characterisation of the leaves of Memecylon amplexicaule, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
    3. Isolation and characterisation of pigment from clitoria ternatea flower, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
    4. Bio brick production by solid sate fermentation of laterite soil using biopolymer gum producing Bacillus subtilis, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
    5. Non invasive potentiometric biosensor to assess milk shark keeping quality, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 27
    PG : 1

    Research Guidance

    1. Ms. Kathyayani P., Awarded
    2. Mr. Ronald Valder, Awarded
    3. Smitha Blessie Rosario, Comprehensive viva voce over
    4. Shainy Mathew, Course work completed
    5. Laila Jaseela A, Eligibility test for Research over

    Research Project

    1. Ktech-NAIN innovation hub, Ref: No. ICTS/CEO/274/2017-18/05, Krishna Prasad N, (District Innovation Associate), Rs. 1,20,00,000, Ktech, Dept. of Information Technology, Biotechnology, Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka, 2018-21,  Ongoing project. 
    2. “Photo-protective and water repellant, nono- finished cloth and film from fish waste and weed leaf” Ref: VGST/GRD-673/2017-18/526 dated 02.02.2019. Krishna Prasad N, Principal Investigator, Rs. 20,00,000, Karnataka Science and Technology, Promotion Society (KSTePS), Government of Karnataka, 2018-20, Ongoing project.
    3. UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian Squid (Loligo duvauceli) ink Mealanin, Krishna Prasad N. (Coordinator of Student Project), Rs. 40,000, VGST-TRIP, Government of Karnataka, 2015-16, Completed.
    4. Isolation, purification and characterization of trypsin from fish visceral waste of fish processing industries Ref: MOES/11-MRDF/1/63/P/08 Krishna Prasad N.(Co-PI), Rs. 30,01,752.00, Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, 2008-11, Completed.
    5. UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian, Ref: 39_BE_1598, 2018-19, Krishna Prasad N.(Coordinator of  Student Project), Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, And the project was selected to state level presentation, 2018-19, Completed.
    6. Post toddy tap intervention of fermentation to produce commercial beverage, Ref: 37S446, 2013-14, Student: Sucharith Kamath, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, 2013-2014, Completed.
    7. Green waste technology (GWT) for fish processing factories, Ref: 36S958, 2012-13, Student: Shwetha K, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 4,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, 2012-2013, Completed.
    8. Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung enriched beetle nut shell, Ref: 33S392, 2009-10, Student: Pooja Kotian, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 4,500.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, And the project was selected to state level presentation, 2009-10, Completed.
    9. Biotechnological oral healthcare product, Ref: 32S356, 2008-09, Student: Shaheen, Guide: Krishna Prasad N, Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, 2008-09, Completed.
    10. Edible health tooth paste for appetite, Ref: 31S337, 2007-08, Student: Shanon L .M, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, And the project was selected to state level presentation, 2007-08, Completed.
    11. Probiotic health drinks from palm sap, Ref: 30S215, 2006-07, Student: Archana Kamath, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of, Karnataka, and the project was selected to state level presentation. 2006-07, Completed.
    12. Utilization of hepatopancreatic wastes of marine shrimps, Ref: 30S163, 2006-07, Student : Deepa C., Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 4,500.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, And the project was selected to state level presentation, 2006-07, Completed.

    Workshop Attend

    1. Skill development workshop on Statistical Data analysis and Design of experiment using JMP software, on 5th and 6th March 2024 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
    2. Onne month certificate course, Basic python, Creative Technical Training Institute, Mangaluru once moth Certification course, Jan 2024 to Feb 2024
    3. Bioinformatics for Beginners, Biostatistics Decoding Biological Data, 29, May, to 2nd June 2024.

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. PACE: NATIONAL START UP DAY 2024 on 16th JAN 2024
    2. PACE: NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY 2023 : Student mind sensitization program on14th Dec 2023
    3. Design of Indigenous Healthcare  Devices: Discussion expects positive outcomes on 7th Nov 2023.
    4. Industry Institute Interaction 2023: Student Mind Sensitization Program: Idea to Impact-Crafting Clinical Research Topic on  11th  Nove 2023
    5. Student Mind Sensitization Program: How to write claim sets in patent writing on 09th  Nov 2023
    6. Industry Institute Interaction: 2023, Student Mind Sensitization Program, Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology on 11th Nov 2023
    7. PACE EUREKA 2023:  Student mind sensitization program on 7th Aug 2023
    8. PACE SHRUSTI 2023:  Student mind sensitization program on 8th  JULY 2023
    9. PACE NIRMAN 2023: Student mind sensitization program 27th Jun 2023
    10. PACE, KAUSHAL 2023: Student mind sensitization program on 4th May 2023
    11. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: What next after BE Biotechnology” on 27th June 2022
    12. Student Sensitisation programme: BY INNOVAZIONE CLUB on 23th Nov, 2022
    13. NAIN:YOUNG ENTREPRENERS PROGRAMME: Developing an  entrepreneurship Mindset at Kanachur PU College, Mangaluru on 6th Sept 2022
    14. NAIN:YOUNG ENTREPRENERS PROGRAMME: Developing an  entrepreneurship Mindset at Kanachur PU College of Women, Mangaluru on 30th Aug 2022
    15. NAIN:MENTOR INTERACTION: Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) by BBC, Bangalore and IIT, Bombay  on 20th July 2022
    16. NAIN:BIOTRENDZ 2022: Environmental Day  on 4th June 2022.
    17. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Entrepreneurial potentials in membrane technology on 2nd June 2022
    18. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022 : Instrumentation in Cell Biology and Genomics on 1st June 2022.
    19. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: Entrepreneurial Potentials In Advance Nanotechnology on 30th June 2022
    20. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Innovative Potentials In Exploring Nanotechnology In Traditional Practices on 28th June 2022
    21. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: What next after BE Biotechnology” on 27th June 2022
    22. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    23. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    24. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: Opportunities in Clinical Research” on 25th May 2022
    25. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: My Experience as a Clinical Research Professional on 25th May 2022
    26. PACE-STARTUP 2021: “Can I start a Company soon after Graduation”  on 19th June 2021.
    27. PACE-IDEATHON 2021: “How to write a project proposal” and “Smart Covid 19 Face Shield Ideathon”  on 12th June 2021.
    28. PACE-IDEATION 2021:“Innovation Potentials of Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution sustainable future”  on 5th June 2021
    29. Entrepreneurship Development Programme: E-STEP BOOT CAMP” on 29th May 2021
    30. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Prospects for Biotechnology engineers in post pandemic period on 26th June 2020
    31. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Innovative concept and products developed in aquaculture on 25th June 2020
    32. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Validation of Computerised systems in a regulated industry  on 24th June 2020
    33. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Cancer immunotherapy  on 23rd June 2020
    34. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation”  on 20th January 2020
    35. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled, “Solid waste management at source” on 19th January 2020
    36. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Solid waste management at disposal yard” on 17th  January 2020
    37. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation” on 16th Jan 2020
    38. Pre-incubation programme: “From Innovation to Entrepreneurship” on 25th Nov 2019
    39. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation” on 19th Nov 2019
    40. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation”  on 13th Nov 2019
    41. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “How to double the farmer’s income on agro-waste” on 4th Oct 2019
    42. Pre-incubation programme: E-STEP BOOT CAMP” on 20th August, 2019
    43. Pre-incubation programme: PACE-NAIN IDEATION-2019 on 29th April, 2019
    44. Pre-incubation programme: PACE-NAIN IDEATION-2019 on 12th  February, 2019
    45. PACE-NAIN IDEATHON-2019 workshop on 28th March, 2019
    46. PACE-PREIDEATION on 5th Nov, 2018

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    1.IEEE EMBS 5-Days Workshop on Aquatic Alchemy Inaugural Function on 9th October 2023 Medical Coding in Health Care From 30-10-2023  To 11-11-2023
    2. 5 day value added course “Aquatic Alchemy” was conducted during 9th – 13th October 2023 as a coordinator
    3. 5-Days Add-On Course : Equip & Explore: Hands-On, Minds-On, Science-On! : Recent Innovations In Molecular Biology And Immunotechnology  From 30.09.2024 To 04.10.2024
    4. 5 Day value added course on “Transforming Biomedicine” on 18th July 2024 to 20. July 2024

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Received International Quality Era Award-2004, Given at Geneva, Switzerland ( received as a Group Leader for developing a novel seafood product), Business Initiative Directions, Spain

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    1. ISTE, Life Member
    2. IEEE

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    Chairperson, ETR, BOS, BOE, VTU

    Administrative Responsibilities

    1. HOD, Department of Biotechnology
    2. IIC, College Coordinatior
    3. District Innovation Associate, PACEW Ktech Incbation Centre
    4. NIRF, Coordinator

    Details of Patents / IPR

    1. Process to make biodegradable, and hydrophobic juice container and straw using coconut plant  (Cocos nucifera) leaves, Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) policosanol, arecanut shell fibre (Areca catechu)  and jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) mucilage and seeds, 202241041932,Published on 26/01/2024
    2. Process to improve the absorption properties and confer antimicrobial activity to arecanut shell fibre, 202241041933, Published on 26/01/2024
    3. Process to make biofertilizer with antipathogenic properties, 202241041934, Published on 26/01/2024
    4. Process of nano-finishing of cotton fabric with eumelanin purified from Indian squid, Uroteuthis duvauceli to confer ultra- violet rays protective property,202241041936, 
    Published on 26/01/2024
    5. Process of finishing of policosanol purified from Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) leaf on cotton fabric to confer super hydrophobicity, 202241041931, Published on 26/01/2024
    6. Process to make biocatalytic soapnut (Sapindus trifoliatus) detergent, 202241041935, Published on 26/01/2024
    7. Thermal Insulated Food Container With Process For Manufacturing Thereof With Rice Straw, Arecanut Leaf Sheath Peel, And Colocasia-Based Bioplastic, 202441038284, Filed on 15/05/2024

    Details of interactions with the Industry

    1. Biotech Alumni Conclave 2023: “Artificial Intelligence In Biotechnology” On 03.11.2023
    2. Biotech Pace Forum 2023: “Hands On Training On-How To Write Claim Sets In Patent Writing” On 09.11.2023
    3. Biotech Alumni Conclave- 2023: From Idea To Impact: Crafting Clinical Research Papers 0n 11.11.2023
    5. Industry Institute Interaction 2023: Student Mind Sensitization Program: Idea to Impact-Crafting Clinical Research Topic on  11th  Nove 2023
    6. Industry Institute Interaction: 2023, Student Mind Sensitization Program, Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology on 11th Nov 2023
    7. NAIN:MENTOR INTERACTION: Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) by BBC, Bangalore and IIT, Bombay  on 20th July 2022
    8. NAIN:BIOTRENDZ 2022: Environmental Day  on 4th June 2022.
    9. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Entrepreneurial potentials in membrane technology on 2nd June 2022
    10. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022 : Instrumentation in Cell Biology and Genomics on 1st June 2022.
    11. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: Entrepreneurial Potentials In Advance Nanotechnology on 30th June 2022
    12. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Innovative Potentials In Exploring Nanotechnology In Traditional Practices on 28th June 2022
    13. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: What next after BE Biotechnology” on 27th June 2022
    14. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    15. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    16. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: Opportunities in Clinical Research” on 25th May 2022
    17. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: My Experience as a Clinical Research Professional on 25th May 2022
    18. PACE-STARTUP 2021: “Can I start a Company soon after Graduation”  on 19th June 2021.
    19. PACE-IDEATHON 2021: “How to write a project proposal” and “Smart Covid 19 Face Shield Ideathon”  on 12th June 2021.
    20. PACE-IDEATION 2021:“Innovation Potentials of Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution sustainable future”  on 5th June 2021
    21. Entrepreneurship Development Programme: E-STEP BOOT CAMP” on 29th May 2021
    22. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Prospects for Biotechnology engineers in post pandemic period on 26th June 2020
    23. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Innovative concept and products developed in aquaculture on 25th June 2020
    24. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Validation of Computerised systems in a regulated industry  on 24th June 2020
    25. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Cancer immunotherapy  on 23rd June 2020
    Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation”  on 20th January 2020
    26. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled, “Solid waste management at source” on 19th January 2020
    27. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Solid waste management at disposal yard” on 17th  January 2020
    28. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation” on 16th Jan 2020
    29. Pre-incubation programme: “From Innovation to Entrepreneurship” on 25th Nov 2019
    30. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation” on 19th Nov 2019
    31. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation”  on 13th Nov 2019
    32. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “How to double the farmer’s income on agro-waste” on 4th Oct 2019
    33. Pre-incubation programme: E-STEP BOOT CAMP” on 20th August, 2019
    34. Pre-incubation programme: PACE-NAIN IDEATION-2019 on 29th April, 2019
    35. Pre-incubation programme: PACE-NAIN IDEATION-2019 on 12th  February, 2019
    36. PACE-NAIN IDEATHON-2019 workshop on 28th March, 2019
    37. PACE-PREIDEATION on 5th Nov, 2018

    Interests / Hobbies

    Painting, Sports, Travel, Aggriculture

    Other Related Info

    1. Awareness programme on “Dry waste segregation at source” on 20th January 2020 for 50 houses spread across two Blocks of Balepuni Pancharath Yard 
    2. Implementation of Solid waste segregation at source on 19thJanuary 2020 in association with Balepuni Panchayath at Central Hall.
    3. Initiatives to train the villagers of the Panchayath Yard to “segregate the solid waste into dry waste from organic waste” at source on 17th January 2020.
    4. Creation of Model sustainable Village on 16th January 2020 at Balepuni Panchayath area.
    5. Orientation programme entitled  “How to double the farmer’s income by utilizing agro waste” on 4th October 2019 at Nadupadavu village.
    6. Field trial of solid state fermented Goat manure enriched with ground nut cake and fungal flora on wild saplings planted on 13th November 2019 at PACE campus.
    7. Final implementation of the “Fungicidal biofertilizer production and implementation” programme on 19th November 2019 at PACE campus
    8. Live phone in programme “Prospects in Technical Education after PUC” in All India Radio (AIR) on 2nd September 2016


  • Dr. Ronald Valder

    Associate Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Ronald Valder

    Associate Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]
    Biotechnologist with 21 years of research, and teaching experience with Ph. D. degree

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E.
    Year : 2002
    University : R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore,Bangalore University, Bangalore
    PG Degree : M.Tech
    Year : 2004
    University : Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur,Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum,Karnataka
    Doctoral Degree : “Kinetic Study of fermented and nonfermented palm(Borassus flebellifer L)”sap.
    Year : 2019
    University : Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum

    Teaching Experience


    Specialization Ph.D


    Specialization PG

    Chemical Engineering

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Unit Operation,Biochemical Thermodynamics,stoichiometry,Biokinetics and bioreaction engineering, bioprocess Control and Automation, Bioprocess Equipment Design and CAED, Process Economics and plant design,Bioprocess reactor Design and Scaleup

    Technical Interest


    Skill Set

    Fermentation Technology

    International journals

    1. Ronald Valder, And Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Microbial Characteristics Of Freshly Tapped Palmyra Palm (Borassus Flabellifer) Sap, International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 1,2018 ,pp 347-353.(France,ISSN 2229-5518,1.26)

    2. Ronald Valder, And Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Physico-Chemical Changes In Palmyra Palm (Borassus Flabellifer) Sap At Different Temperature, International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 1,2018, 761-766. (France,ISSN 2229-5518,1.26)

    3. Ronald Valder, And Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of time and temperature on the fermentation of Palm (Borassus Flabellifer) Sap by Saccaromyces cerevisiae isolate YN3 and Leconostoc mesenterides ATCC 82293(T) , International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp 308-315,2018, (France,ISSN 2229-5518,1.26)

    4. Ronald Valder, And Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Fermentative characteristics of Leconostoc mesenterides ATCC 8293(T) in Palm (Borassus Flabellifer) Sap at different temperatures. International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp 301-307,2018, (France,ISSN 2229-5518,1.26)

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 12

    Research Project

    1. Ktech-NAIN innovation hub, Ref: No. ICTS/CEO/274/2017-18/05, Krishna Prasad N, (District Innovation Associate), Rs. 1,20,00,000, Ktech, Dept. of Information Technology, Biotechnology, Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka, 2018-21,  Ongoing project. 

    2. “Photo-protective and water repellant, nono- finished cloth and film from fish waste and weed leaf” Ref: VGST/GRD-673/2017-18/526 dated 02.02.2019. Krishna Prasad N, Principal Investigator, Rs. 20,00,000, Karnataka Science and Technology, Promotion Society (KSTePS), Government of Karnataka, 2018-20, Ongoing project.

    3. UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian Squid (Loligo duvauceli) ink Mealanin, Krishna Prasad N. (Coordinator of Student Project), Rs. 40,000, VGST-TRIP, Government of Karnataka, 2015-16, Completed.

    4. Isolation, purification and characterization of trypsin from fish visceral waste of fish processing industries Ref: MOES/11-MRDF/1/63/P/08 Krishna Prasad N.(Co-PI), Rs. 30,01,752.00, Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, 2008-11, Completed.

    5. UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian, Ref: 39_BE_1598, 2018-19, Krishna Prasad N.(Coordinator of  Student Project), Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, And the project was selected to state level presentation, 2018-19, Completed.

    6. Post toddy tap intervention of fermentation to produce commercial beverage, Ref: 37S446, 2013-14, Student: Sucharith Kamath, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 5,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, 2013-2014, Completed.

    7. Green waste technology (GWT) for fish processing factories, Ref: 36S958, 2012-13, Student: Shwetha K, Guide: Krishna Prasad N., Rs. 4,000.00, KSCST, Government of Karnataka, 2012-2013, Completed.

    Workshop Attend

    1. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme in  “Downstream Processing Technology” organized by Department of Biotechnology, CMR Institute of Technology and Visveswaraya Technological  University, Belgaum, on 20th August 2005.
    2. Participated in the Two day workshop on “Research Methodologies and Report Writing “organized by Visveswaraya Technological University, e-learning Centre, Mysore, on 28th and 29th May 2009.
    3. Participated in the Faculty Enablement Programme in “Reach, Touch and Teach”-Mastering the Art of Counselling organized by P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore on 14th March 2015.
    4. Participated in the Faculty Enablement Programme in  “Technical Writing, Preparing Research Proposals And Applying for Research Funds” organized by P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore on 14th March 2016.
    5. Participated in the Workshop on “Resent Trends in Biological Research: health and Disease Perspective” organized by Department of Applied Zoology, Mangalore University, Mangalore, on October 7th and 8th 2016.
    6. Participated in the  Two Day Workshop on “modeling and Scale up of Bioreactors-(MSB-2017)” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka,Surathkal, on March 24th and 25th 2017.
    7. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme in “UNDERSTANDING AND DEALING WITH ADOLESCENTS” organized by P.A.College of Engineering, Mangalore on 2ND  February 2018
    8. Participated in a One day National level Conference on  “Recent Innovation in Nanomedicine & drug Delivery ” organized by St. Aloysius College(Autonomous)  Mangalore, on   3rd September 20218.
    9. Participated in a Two  day National Seminar  on  “Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry, Healthcare and Agriculture ” organized by St. Aloysius College(Autonomous)  Mangalore,  and NAARI Mumbai, on   10-11 September 20218.
    10. Participated in a ) One  day International Symposium  on  “Discovery of Actionable Targets in Infectious Diseases ” organized by Yenepoya(Deemed University)  Mangalore,  on   26 November 20219.
    11.Participated in a One Week Online  Five day Faculty Development Programme on  “Insights on Writing Research Proposals and Funding Opportunities ” organized by St. Josephs College of   Engineering, Mangalore, during 20th to 24th  July 2020.
    12.Participated in a One Week Online Five day Faculty Development Programme on  “Insights on Writing Research Proposals and Funding Opportunities ” organized by St. Josephs College of   Engineering, Mangalore, during 20th to 24th  July 2020.
    13. Participated in a Two day Five day Faculty Development Programme on  “Recent Advancer Technologies for the development of biosensors and their Applications ” organized by Sapthagiri  College of   Engineering, Bangalore, during 27th September to 1st October 2021.
    14. Participated in a Two-day FDP on Biology for Engineers from 15th to 16th December 2022 organized by Department of Biotechnology Sir MVIT, Bangalore
    15. Participated in a Three-day National Seminar on Biotechnology for Better from 15th to 17th December 2022 organized by Department of Biotechnology Sir MVIT, Bangalore
    16.Participated in a Four-day FDP on Applications of AIML and Data science in Biological Research from 5th to 8th July 2023 organized by Department of Biotechnology Sir MVIT, Bangalore
    17.Participated in the Faculty Enablement Programme in  “Research Methodology, Research Publication Ethics” organized by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), Bangalore from October 3 to 7  2023.
    18. Participated in a Two-day Skill Development workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis and Design of Experiments DOE) with JMP Software “organized by Manipal Institute of Technological  MAHE,Manipal from 5th to 6th March 2024.

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. PACE: NATIONAL START UP DAY 2024 on 16th JAN 2024
    2. PACE: NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY 2023 : Student mind sensitization program on14th Dec 2023
    3. Design of Indigenous Healthcare  Devices: Discussion expects positive outcomes on 7th Nov 2023.
    4. Industry Institute Interaction 2023: Student Mind Sensitization Program: Idea to Impact-Crafting Clinical Research Topic on  11th  Nove 2023
    5. Student Mind Sensitization Program: How to write claim sets in patent writing on 09th  Nov 2023
    6. Industry Institute Interaction: 2023, Student Mind Sensitization Program, Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology on 11th Nov 2023
    7. PACE EUREKA 2023:  Student mind sensitization program on 7th Aug 2023
    8. PACE SHRUSTI 2023:  Student mind sensitization program on 8th  JULY 2023
    9. PACE NIRMAN 2023: Student mind sensitization program 27th Jun 2023
    10. PACE, KAUSHAL 2023: Student mind sensitization program on 4th May 2023
    11. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: What next after BE Biotechnology” on 27th June 2022
    12. Student Sensitisation programme: BY INNOVAZIONE CLUB on 23th Nov, 2022
    13. NAIN:YOUNG ENTREPRENERS PROGRAMME: Developing an  entrepreneurship Mindset at Kanachur PU College, Mangaluru on 6th Sept 2022
    14. NAIN:YOUNG ENTREPRENERS PROGRAMME: Developing an  entrepreneurship Mindset at Kanachur PU College of Women, Mangaluru on 30th Aug 2022
    15. NAIN:MENTOR INTERACTION: Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) by BBC, Bangalore and IIT, Bombay  on 20th July 2022
    16. NAIN:BIOTRENDZ 2022: Environmental Day  on 4th June 2022.
    17. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Entrepreneurial potentials in membrane technology on 2nd June 2022
    18. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022 : Instrumentation in Cell Biology and Genomics on 1st June 2022.
    19. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: Entrepreneurial Potentials In Advance Nanotechnology on 30th June 2022
    20. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022:  Innovative Potentials In Exploring Nanotechnology In Traditional Practices on 28th June 2022
    21. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: What next after BE Biotechnology” on 27th June 2022
    22. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    23. PACE-NAIN STUDENT MENTOR INTERACTION: BIOTRENDZ 2022: How to Incubate Student Ideas  on 26th June 2022.
    24. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: Opportunities in Clinical Research” on 25th May 2022
    25. PACE-NAIN STUDENT INDUSTRY INTERACTION BIOTRENDZ 2022: My Experience as a Clinical Research Professional on 25th May 2022
    26. PACE-STARTUP 2021: “Can I start a Company soon after Graduation”  on 19th June 2021.
    27. PACE-IDEATHON 2021: “How to write a project proposal” and “Smart Covid 19 Face Shield Ideathon”  on 12th June 2021.
    28. PACE-IDEATION 2021:“Innovation Potentials of Nanotechnology in Environmental Protection and Pollution sustainable future”  on 5th June 2021
    29. Entrepreneurship Development Programme: E-STEP BOOT CAMP” on 29th May 2021
    30. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Prospects for Biotechnology engineers in post pandemic period on 26th June 2020
    31. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Innovative concept and products developed in aquaculture on 25th June 2020
    32. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Validation of Computerised systems in a regulated industry  on 24th June 2020
    33. PACE-NAIN WEBINAR 2020: Cancer immunotherapy  on 23rd June 2020
    34. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation”  on 20th January 2020
    35. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled, “Solid waste management at source” on 19th January 2020
    36. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Solid waste management at disposal yard” on 17th  January 2020
    37. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Problems in Dry waste segregation” on 16th Jan 2020
    38. Pre-incubation programme: “From Innovation to Entrepreneurship” on 25th Nov 2019
    39. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation” on 19th Nov 2019
    40. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “Fungicidal Biofertilizer Production and Implementation”  on 13th Nov 2019
    41. Pre-incubation programme: Outreach stake holders programme entitled “How to double the farmer’s income on agro-waste” on 4th Oct 2019

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    1. Invited as Resource person to delver talik on “Enzyme Technology and Future Prospects” during Two day lecture series held on account of National Science Day during 29th Feb 2024 and 1st March 2024 at the Department of Biotechnology. BIET, Davangere

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    Chairperson,,BOE, VTU(2024-2025), ETR-member VTU Member -BOE, Nitte university

    Administrative Responsibilities

    1. Internal  Assesment, College Coordinator
    2. NBA-Department Co ordinator


  • Dr. Shareefraju J. Ukkund

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
    read more
  • Dr. Shareefraju J. Ukkund

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : Biotechnology
    Year : 2012
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
    PG Degree : Nanotechnology
    Year : 2014
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
    Year : 2021
    University : Srinivas University, Mangalore

    Teaching Experience

    Dr. Shareefraju J. Ukkund has 10.5 years of teaching experience, worked as HOD, Dept. of Nano Technology, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore and has served as BoE, VTU, Belgaum. Joined PACE on 2nd Nov 2021.

    Research Experience


    Specialization Ph.D


    Specialization PG

    Nanobiotechnology Quantum Mechanics Nanoelectronics Nanomaterials & thier applicationsNanocomposites

    Other Specialization

    6 NPTEL courses completed so far

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Genomics & Proteiomics 
    Tissue Engineering
    Renewable Energy Sources
    Foundation of Nanoscale Science and Technology 
    Biochemistry and Microbiology
    Electronic Measurements Devices
    Advanced Materials Science 
    Quantum Mechanics 
    Basics of Material Science
    Synthesis of Nanomaterials
    Quantum Mechanics & Simulation Techniques
    Management and Entrepreneurship 
    Applications of Nanotechnology
    Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture
    Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering 
    Applications of Bio-Nanotechnology
    Environmental Science-EVS
    Mechanical Operations
    Clinical Biotechnology
    Biosensors & Instrumentation
    Nanotechnology in Bio-Medical Engineering
    Food Biotechnology
    Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment 
    Synthesis and Processing Techniques 
    Nanosensors and Devices
    Nanotechnology Devices and Applications
    Applications of Nanotechnology in Electronics

    Subjects teaching at Post Graduate level

    Quantum Mechanics
    Nanomaterials & thier applicationsNanocomposites

    International journals

    Publications in Research Journals
    1. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Penicillium sps. Materials Today: Proceedings 4 11 1923-11932 2017 Scopus 2214-7853
    2. S. J. Ukkund et al. Azobenzene dye-sensitised solar cells using TiO2 nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. 6 7 743-749 2017 Scopus 2319-8354
    3. S. J. Ukkund et al. A comparative study of efficiency of Cd-SWCNT, and NiO-SWCNT nanocomposites for degradation of methyl violet Int. J. Adv. Res. Sci. Eng. 6 8 1-9 2017 Scopus 2319-8354
    4. S. J. Ukkund et al. Nanocrystalline cellulose from agricultural waste: an overview International Journal of Nanoparticles 10 4 284-297 2018 Scopus 1753-2507
    5. S. J. Ukkund et al. Experimental investigation on physical and thermal properties of graphite nanofluids AIP conference proceedings 2039 1 020057 2018 Scopus 1551-7616
    6. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Fuzarium Oxysporum and investigation of their antibacterial activity Materials Today: Proceedings 9 1 506-514 2019 Scopus 2214-7853
    7. S. J. Ukkund et al. Experimental investigation on synthesis, characterization and antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles from Cinnamon zeylanicum extract AIP conference proceedings 2080 1 020001 2019 Scopus 1551-7616
    8. S. J. Ukkund et al. Microwave assisted green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Hibiscus leaf extract and investigation of their antimicrobial activities AIP conference proceedings 2080 1 020002 2019 Scopus 1551-7616
    9. S. J. Ukkund et al. Heat transfer analysis of triple tube heat exchanger using water and titanium-dioxide nanofluid ICTEA: International Conference on Thermal Engineering 2019 1 1-3 2019 Scopus --
    10. S. J. Ukkund et al. Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Penicillium notatum and their application to improve efficiency of antibiotics IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577 1 012002 2019 Scopus 1757-8981
    11. S. J. Ukkund et al. Novel green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from newly discovered Putranjivaceae plant leaf extract and their antibacterial studies International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 16 4 299-311 2020 Scopus 1746-9392
    12. S. J. Ukkund et al. The potential of nanoparticle additives in biodiesel: A fundamental outset AIP conference proceedings 2247 1 030003 2020 Scopus 1551-7616
    13. S. J. Ukkund et al. Antifungal activity of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles from Candida albicans on the strain lacking the CNP41 gene Materials Research Express 7 12 125401 2020 Scopus 2053-1591
    14. S. J. Ukkund et al. Adsorption Method for the Remediation of Brilliant Green Dye Using Halloysite Nanotube: Isotherm, Kinetic and Modeling Studies MDPI- Applied Sciences 11 17 8088 2021 Scopus 2076-3417
    15. S. J. Ukkund et al. A Recent Study on Remediation of Direct Blue 15 Dye Using Halloysite Nanotubes MDPI- Applied Sciences 11 17 8196 2021 Scopus 2076-3417
    16. S. J. Ukkund et al. Antimicrobial coating of fabric by biosynthesized silver nanoparticles from Panchakavya Nano Express 2 1 010033 2021 Scopus 2632-959X
    17. Bhat, N., Ukkund, S. J., Ashraf, M., Acharya, K., J. Ramegouda, N., Puthiyillam, P., ... & Khan, M. A. (2023). GO/CuO Nanohybrid-Based Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensors with an Arduino Detection Unit. ACS omega, 8(36), 32512-32519.
    18. Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Algburi, S., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Al-Mansour, A. I.,... & Ukkund, S. J. (2024). Employing nutraceutical industry by-product, cumin seeds spent, for the adsorption treatment of acid blue 113 dye. AIP Advances, 14(9)
    19. Jayanayak, G. M., Ganalu, R., Shashikanth, Ukkund, S. J., Ahmed, S., AlSubih, M., & Islam, S. (2024). Studies on the Removal of Malachite Green from Its Aqueous Solution Using Water-Insoluble ?-Cyclodextrin Polymers. ACS omega, 9(9), 10132-10145
    20. Jayanayak, G. M., Shashikanth, S., Ahmed, S., Karunakar, P., Ukkund, S. J., Majdi, H. S., ... & Alam, S. (2024). Studies on remediation of neutral red using water insoluble ?-cyclodextrin (?-CD) polymers in aqueous solution. AIP Advances, 14(12).
    21. Pavithra, M. K., Chaya, G., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Mohammed, S. J., Majdi, H. S., ... & Ukkund, S. J. (2024). LC-MS/MS characterization of pirtobrutinib impurities and product degradation: stability studies. RSC advances, 14(47), 34868-34882.
    22. Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Ukkund, S. J., Deepakumari, H. N., ... & Majdi, H. S. (2024). A practical approach to demonstrate the circular economy in remediation of textile dyes using nutraceutical industrial spent. RSC advances, 14(36), 26464-26483.
    23. Prakruthi, R., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Alfaisal, F. M., Alam, S., Majdi, H. S., & Ukkund, S. J. (2024). Silver vanadate nanoparticles: Green synthesis, enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. AIP Advances, 14(8).

    Books Published Details

    1. Foundation of Nanoscale Science and Technology Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Dr. Prasad P. 978-613-9-58649-3
    2. Nano-Electronics and Quantum Computation Shareefraju J. Ukkund 978-613-9-81812-9
    3. Mechanical Operations Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Dr. Prasad P. and Srinivas Mayya D. 978-613-9-82579-0
    4. Synthesis of Nanomaterials Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Dr. Prasad P. 978-613-9-82137-2
    5. Biochemistry and Microbiology Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Abhinaya N. and Dr. Prasad P. 978-613-9-83272-9
    6. Synthesis & Processing Techniques Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Naveen J. R. and Dr. Prasad P. 978-613-9-81532-6
    7. Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Electronics Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Vinay B. K. and Sulthan M. 978-620-0-55074-3
    8. Dextran nanoparticles: Preparation and applications Shareefraju J. Ukkund, Bhavna Alke, Syed Noeman Taqui and Syed Usman Taqui 9780128223512
    9. Genomics and Proteomics: Fundamentals & Applications – ISBN: 978-6207462995, Lambert Germany – 2023.
    10. Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells: Biomedical Applications – ISBN: 978-6205633113, Lambert, Germany – 2023.
    11. Bioremediation of various industrial effluents utilising microorganism-assisted nanotechnology within a circular economy, Springer Nature (Accepted for publication not yet published ISBN: 9781003350941)
    12. Production of antimicrobial nanoparticles and possible uses, ISBN: 9783031788444, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (Accepted for publication and will be published Feb 2025)

    Papers Presented in International Conference

    Research Papers in Conference Proceedings
    1. S. J. Ukkund et al., Synthesis and Characterization of Silver nanoparticles from Penicillium sps. International International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICNANO-2016) CPGS, VTU, Bangalore 30-12-2017 31-12-2017
    2. S. J. Ukkund et al. Green synthesis and characterization of Aluminium Oxide Nanoparticles by neem extracts International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    3. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide and its effects on stiffness modulus of GFRP composites International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    4. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis of Aluminium Oxide Nanoparticles by Mimosa Pudica plant extract International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    5. S. J. Ukkund et al. Effect of particle grain size on mechanical behaviour of E-glass/Epoxy composites International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    6. S. J. Ukkund et al. Impedance and cyclic voltametric analysis of reduced graphene-metal oxide nanocomposites for applications in super capacitor International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    7. S. J. Ukkund et al. Green synthesis of silver Nanoparticles from Negilla Sativa extract and their antibacterial studies International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    8. S. J. Ukkund et al. Rapid synthesis of silver Nanoparticles from Hibiscus flower extract by microwave method and their antibacterial studies International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    9. S. J. Ukkund et al. GO/CuO nanohybrid based carbon dioxide gas sensor with arduino detection unit International International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Developments (ACEND-2018) CHRIST University, Bangalore 19-09-2018 21-09-2018
    10. S. J. Ukkund et al. Fabrication of thin film solar cell by using CuO particles and SWCNTs coating to increase the efficiency of solar cells International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    11. S. J. Ukkund et al. Coating of Vanta Black and TiO2 nanoparticles on solar panel to increase the efficiency of solar cells International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    12. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis, characterization of Alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles and their use in defluoridization of water International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    13. S. J. Ukkund et al. Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia and their use as photocatalyst for organic dye degradation for water treatment International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    14. S. J. Ukkund et al. Nanofilter for desalination of water using MoS2 nanopores and silver nanoparticles International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    15. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis, characterization of alumina nanoparticles from Bambuseae extract and their use as antibacterial agent against Psedomonasaeroginosa International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    16. S. J. Ukkund et al. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Negilla Sativa extract and their antibacterial studies International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    17. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of MoS2 and TiO2 nanoparticle for dye degradation of Congo Red International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    18. S. J. Ukkund et al. Rapid synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Hibiscus flower extract by microwave method and their antibacterial studies International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    19. S. J. Ukkund et al. Preparation of ointment by using Datura stuamonium, turmeric extracts, aloe vera and silver nanoparticles to cure Vitilago disease International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    20. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticle Annona squamosa and their Iarvicidal activity against Aedesaegypti International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    21. S. J. Ukkund et al. Microwave assisted green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Calotropsisgianta and their insecticidal agent to control dengue International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    22. S. J. Ukkund et al. Denaturation of cement produced by ticks in dogs by using Catechol oxidase inhibitors and silver nanoparticles International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    23. S. J. Ukkund et al. Green synthesis and characterization of CuO nanoparticles from Banana peel extract and their use in methylene blue dye degradation – one step to waste management International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    24. S. J. Ukkund et al. Biosynthesis and characterization of ZnO nanoparticles from Curcuma longa and their use in food packages as an antibacterial agents International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    25. S. J. Ukkund et al. Investigation of antioxidants and antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticles from Bacopamonnieri International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    26. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Penicillium sps and their use in killing microbes in lube oil tanks in ships International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    27. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Fuzarium oxysporum and investigation of their antibacterial activity International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    28. S. J. Ukkund et al. Optimization and study of drug release using nanovescicle International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    29. S. J. Ukkund et al. Fabrication of super hydrophobic coating using polymer nanocomposites International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    30. S. J. Ukkund et al. Plant mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles from neem extract and their antibacterial studies International 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN 2019 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 28-01-2019 30-01-2019
    31. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from fuzariumoxysporum and investigation of their antibacterial activity International International Conference on Green Methods and Synthesis of Nanomaterials’ [GMSP&NS’18] Jain University, Bangalore 24-04-2018 25-04-2018
    32. S. J. Ukkund et al. Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from penicillium notatum and their application to improve efficiency of antibiotics International 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications [IConAMMA_2018] AMRITA University, Bangalore 16-8-2018 18-8-2018
    33. S. J. Ukkund et al. Experimental investigation on synthesis, characterization and antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles from Nigella sativa powder/oil and Cinnamon zeylanicum extract International International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering [eTIME-2018] St. Joseph Engineering College 10-08-2018 11-08-2018
    34. S. J. Ukkund et al. Microwave assisted Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Hibiscus leaf and flower extract and investigation of their antimicrobial activities International International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering [eTIME-2018] St. Joseph Engineering College 10-08-2018 11-08-2018
    35. S. J. Ukkund et al. Synthesis and characterization of Si nanowires for Gas sensor applications  International International Conference on Nanotechnology Srinivas University, Mangalore 18-09-2019 19-09-2019
    36. S. J. Ukkund et al. Sustainable adsorption method for the remediation of brilliant green dye using Halloysite nanotube: Isotherm, kinetics and modelling studies International International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [ICETNN-2021] College of Engineering & Technology, Srinivas University, Mangalore 06-08-2021 07-08-2021
    37. Fatimath Thabsheera, Shareefraza J. Ukkund Innovations in Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology – BIOTRENDCON under ICEST-24, 23-24th April 2024. 
    38. Drishya K., Shareefraza J. Ukkund, Nanomaterials in Construction: Expanding Applications and Opportunities, International Conference on Civil Engineering – ICICE under ICEST-24, 23-24th April. 
    39. Fathimathul Sidhra Salim, Shareefraza J. Ukkund, AI Transforming Healthcare: A Comprehensive Look at Biomedical Applications, International Conference on Digital Rennaissance -  DIGITREV, 23-24th April 2025. 
    40. Asif Hassan, Shareefraza J. Ukkund, Advancements and Future Outlook of Flexible Gas Sensors Utilizing Functional Nanomaterials - Comprehensive Review, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication – SEMI-COMM TECH SUMMIT. 23-24th April 2025

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 18
    PG : 5

    Research Guidance

    Supervised more than 60 students for UG projects
    Guided more than 5 PG projects 

    Research Project

    1. Project entitled “Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles and the Investigation on The Properties of Polymer/Blend Nano Composites for Biomedical Applications.” funded 30,00,000/- by VGST.  [Role: As Co-PI] July 2017 till date
    2. Project entitled “Adsorption, Kinetics and thermodynamics studies on remediation of dyes by using Halloysite nanotubes and Unmodified clay minerals” funded 9,00,000/- by DoM, Govt. of Karnataka.[Role: PI] July 2017 to June 2020

    Workshop Attend

    1. Genetics and molecular diagnosis in modern medicine and biology Yenepoya University, Mangalore 26th Feb 2010 28th  Feb 2010
    2. Molecular Techniques Biotech PACE Forum, Department of Biotechnology 25th February 2012 --
    3. 1st International Workshop on Green Nanotechnology VTU, Belgaum 26th Nov 2012 27th Nov 2012
    4. VTU-International CANEUS Symposium on Aerospace and Energy sectors (VICAS-2013) VTU, Belgaum and CANEUS International, Canada, NDRF, India 19th April 2013 20th April 2013
    5. Nanoelectronics and Mechetronics VTU CPGS Mysore 27th Feb 2014 28th Feb 2014
    6. DNA Barcoding-concept and application Mangalore University college, Mangalore 18th  Dec 2014 19th  Dec 2014
    7. Recent trends in Nano Technology AIET, Moodubidri 18th Jan 2015 19th Jan 2015
    8. Applied Mass Spectrometry & Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering P. A. College of Engineering, Mangalore  19th November 2016 --
    9. Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology YIT, Moodubidri 30th Oct 2017 31st Oct 2017
    10. Research Methodology DOM, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore 12th March 2018 14th March 2018
    11. Recent Trends in Industrial Practice Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore 11th April 2018 13th April 2018
    12. International Conference on Green Methods and Synthesis of Nanomaterials’ [GMSP&NS’18] Jain University, Bangalore, during  24th April 2018 25th April 2018
    13. Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mangalore 9th August 2018 10th  August 2018
    14. Surface Engineering of Nanomaterials- FDP NPTEL, IIT Roorkee Jan 2019 Mar 2019
    15. Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting Srinivas School of Engineering, Mangalore 20th Feb 2019 21st Feb 2019
    15 Nanotechnology, Science and Applications- FDP NPTEL, IIT Madras Jul 2019 Sept 2019
    16. Nanotechnology in Agriculture- FDP NPTEL, IIT Kanpur Aug 2019 Oct 2019
    17. AICTE Sponsored FDP OBE & Its impacts on Accreditation Process- FDP R. V. College of Engineering under AICTE Margadarshan Scheme 6th July 2020 10th July 2020
    18. Introduction to python programming and applications, organized by VTU, CPGS, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Bangalore on 13-17th March 2023..
    19. Machine Learning Approaches for Secured Multimodal Biometric Systems at P.A.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING  from 11/12/2023 to 16/12/2023..
    20. VGST sponsored 4-Day faculty Development Programme on \"Applications of AI, ML, and Data Science in Biologogical Research\" organised by Department of Biotechnology, SirMVIT, Bangalore helood on 5-8th July 2023.
    21. “Advanced Materials and Manufacturing for Engineering Applications (AMMEA)” organized by the Departments of Aeronautical, Automobile, Marine, and Mechanical Engineering from 27th January to 31st January 2025.

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    1. Innova-Member Dept. of NT, SIT, Mangalore National  Jan 2015
    2. Coordinator- Aquatic Alchemy 5-Day workshop        Dept. of BT, PACE, Mangalore Intermnational   9-13th Oct 2023.
    3. Convener- ICEST-24 (International Conclave on Engineering Science & Technology-2024, organized by PACE, Mangalore, on 23-24th April 2024.
    4. Coordinator-BIOTRENDCON- International Conference on emerging trends in Biotechnology, organized by Dept. of BT, 23-24th April 2024.
    5. Coordinator-Transforming Biomedicine:power of AI & Machine Learning in Health, organized by Dept. of BT, PACE, Mangalore on 16-20th Jul 2024.

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    1. “Nanotechnology and applications” followed by a demonstration of “Biosynthesis of nanomaterials and their applications” - University College, Mangalore University, Funded by DST, central govt. of India - 14th November 2017
    2. “Methods of synthesis of Nanomaterials and their applications” - SVS College, Bantwal - 23rd August 2017
    3. “Nanotechnology and its applications in Bio-Medical field”  Bio-Tech Forum, Dept. of Biotechnology, - P. A. College of Engineering, Mangalore  - 10th Feb 2018
    4. Session chair/ Resource person at ‘International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering’ [eTIME-2018]  - St. Joseph College of Engineering, Mangalore. - 9th and 10th August 2018
    5. “Nanotechnology and applications” followed by a demonstration of “Biosynthesis of nanomaterials and their applications” - University College, Mangalore University, Funded by DST, central govt. of India - 16th November 2018
    6. “Nanotechnology and applications” followed by a demonstration of “Biosynthesis of nanomaterials and their applications” - University College, Mangalore University, Funded by DST, central govt. of India - 16th November 2019
    7. Synthesis and characterization of Si nanowires for Gas sensor applications - International Conference on Nanotechnology, College of Engineering & Technology, Srinivas University, Mangalore - 18-19th September 2019

    Awards and Achivements

    1. Topper in the NPTEL Nanotechnology in Agriculture   NPTEL, IIT Kanpur 2019
    2. Innovative Researcher International Research Leadership Awards 2019
    3. Best Researcher International Research Leadership Awards 2018
    4. Best Young Researcher Award International Research Leadership Awards 2017
    5. Research peace Award, International Research Leadership Awards 2017
    Cleared GATE-2013 with 93 percentile in Biotechnology

    Details of membership in Professional bodies

    1. IEEE EMBS 
    2. IEEE NTC
    3. EMS-European Membrane Society

    Details of Membership in Academic Bodies

    1. BoE member, Nanotechnology composite board for two years 2019-2021.

    Administrative Responsibilities

    1. Convener-ICEST-24 & ICEST-25
    2. Coordinator- BIOTRENDCON
    3. Coordinator- Value Added Courses
    4. Project Coordinator
    5. Envision Coordinator
    6. Magazine Coordinator
    7. ALTIUS Coordinator

    Details of Patents / IPR

    Bioreactor Apparatus for Controlled Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles with patent No: 202441102914

    Interests / Hobbies

    Writing a research articles and Books,
    Learning new technology and its usage in daily life,
    Reading Novels, Watching documentary and Movies, Playing cricket, Football, Shuttle etc.

    Other Related Info

    Cleared GATE-2013 with 93 percentile in Biotechnology


  • Mrs. Shainy Mathew C

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Sc
    read more
  • Mrs. Shainy Mathew C

    Assistant Professor


    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.Sc. (microbiology, Zoology and Chemistry)
    Year : 1997
    University : Mangalore University
    PG Degree : MSc. (Microbiology)
    Year : 1999
    University : Mangalore University
    Doctoral Degree : (Pursuing)
    Year :
    University :

    Specialization PG


    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    Microbiology, Genetic Engineering, Food Biotechnology,Structural Biology

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 10

    Administrative Responsibilities

    Hostel Co-ordinator of Ladies Hostel

    Interests / Hobbies

    Reading. Gardening


  • Ms Laila Jaseela

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : M.Tech, (PhD)
    read more
  • Ms Laila Jaseela

    Assistant Professor

    M.Tech, (PhD)

    [email protected]
    Experienced Academician with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in EnvironmentalEngineering,Biotechnology . MTech focused in Environmental Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology.part of research team carried out ‘Performance Evaluation of Anaerobic

    Educational Details

    Year : 2012
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
    PG Degree : in Environmental Engineering
    Year : 2015
    University : Manipal University
    Doctoral Degree : Ongoing
    Year : 2024
    University : Visvesvaraya Technological University

    Teaching Experience


    Research Experience


    Industry Experience

    Project Associate: Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. (2016-2017)

    Specialization Ph.D

    Environmnetal Biotechnology

    Specialization PG

    Environmental Engineering,Wastewater Treatment,waste mangemnt

    Subjects teaching at Under Graduate level

    *Biostatistics and tools+lab
    *Bioprocess Engineering 
    * Environmental Biotechnology
    *Renewable Energy Resources 
    *Environmental Protection and Management .
    *Python Programming +lab
    *Universal Human Value
    * Biochemistry+lab
    *Social connect and Responsibility 
    *Upstream and Downstream Bioprocess technology
    *Indian Knowledge system

    Technical Interest

    Environmental Biotechnolgy
    Environmental Biotechnology
    Waste to energy etc

    Skill Set

    Lab operations,Chemical and biochemical analysis,Research and Analysis, Data collection and analysis,Team work / Collaboration, Python Programming,Microsoft office,C++

    International journals

    S. Sri Shalini, Laila Jaseela, Archana P Abraham, Ligy Philip,et al., (2016), “Evaluation of DRDO Based Anaerobic Biodigesters for Blackwater Treatment”, 4th International faecal sludge management conference –Paper entitled Performance”, Chennai, February 2016.

    Treatment of Dairy Effluent Using Cicer Arietinum – LAILA JASEELA A AND DR. MOHANDAS CHADAGA (2015), International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 6

    Ligy Philip, Kalaivani Kannappan, Dinesh Sanka Loganathachetti, Guthala Ravikumar, Laila Jaseela, Archana P Abraham "Performance Evaluation and Prokaryotic Community Structure of Onsite Anaerobic Bio-digesters Treating Black Water" communicated to RSC advances.

    Number of academic projects guided

    UG : 3

    Workshops/Seminars organized

    Organizer- 5 day value added course “Aquatic Alchemy” was conducted during 9th – 13th October 2023 as a coordinator

    Workshops/Seminars conducted as Resource Persons

    Invited talk on "Biodiversity in Marine Environment" during the Blue Campaign Program at Shri Vyasa Maharshi Vidya Peetha, Kilpady Mulky, on December 12, 2023.

    Administrative Responsibilities

    * College level Coordinator for Universal Human values , Social Connect and Responsibility.
    *Mentor-VIIth Sem BE Students 2023-24
    *Department coordinator of Environmental cell .
    *Internship Coordinator for IVth sem BE Students.
    *Department Magazine Editor.
    *NAAC Criteria 3 Member. 
    *NBA criteria 7 Member.

    Details of Patents / IPR

    Details of interaction with outside world

    Invited talk on "Biodiversity in Marine Environment" during the Blue Campaign Program at Shri Vyasa Maharshi Vidya Peetha, Kilpady Mulky, on December 12, 2023.

    Interests / Hobbies


  • Ms. Yashaswini B M

    Assistant Professor

    Qualification : B.E, M.Tech
    read more
  • Ms. Yashaswini B M

    Assistant Professor

    B.E, M.Tech

    [email protected]

    Educational Details

    Degree : B.E Biotechnology
    Year : 2012
    University : VTU, Belagavi
    PG Degree : M.Tech Biotechnology
    Year : 2014
    University : VTU, Belagavi

    Teaching Experience


    Research Experience


    Specialization PG


    Number of academic projects guided

    PG : 5


Biotech PACE Forum

Faculty in-charge:

  • Ms. Shainy Mathew
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Rusafidha PV, VIII Semester student President
2 Kathija Shafa, VI Vice-president
3 Thabshira Mariyam, VIII Semester student Secretary
4 Preetham Godwin, IV sem student Joint Secretary

“Well crafted curriculum, an institution with right assets, freedom and ease of innovation and of course talented and motivational teachers - Department of Biotechnology has fuelled my dreams, making me able to realize my vision”.”

""I am truly blessed I chose Biotechnology stream as it has myriad applications and diverse options open up after B.E for higher studies. Being research oriented field, it stands an edge in contributing to nation’s growth.”

“I am really blessed to be a part of Department of Biotechnology where my innovative ideas pitched into entrepreneurial setup”

“P. A. College of Engineering has proved to be a milestone in my life and I give all the credit to the excellent faculty and the system that helped to excel””

“Nine tenths of education is encouragement.I have received this encouragement from my professors”

“Currently employed as a Scientist in one of the succesful biotech company Biocon, I owe my success to the college which was instrumental in building the foundation of Biotech knowledge" ”

“It was a fruitfull journey through the department of biotechnology of PACE to the Biotech Industry” as a biotech Professional"" ”



To serve as a knowledge and information sharing centre, other than the central library we have department library with 82 reference books, 114 seminar reports and 52 project reports. This readily serves as the best readily available information source for the students to acquire, retrieve knowledge about the latest trends in biotechnology.


To cater the needs of biotechnology industries, our students are trained in well-equipped laboratories. We have all the equipments in the laboratories as per the scheme and syllabus.

Biochemistry Laboratoy

Biochemistry laboratory is geared up with incubator, colorimeter, magnetic stirrer, digester, UV visible double beam spectrophotometer, desiccators, flame spectrophotometer, pH meter, furnace, table top centrifuge, water bath, agitator etc.

Unit operations laboratory

To learn the basic unit operation techniques we have instruments like Interacting and non-interaction systems, batch and continuous reactors with pH, flow, light, pressure, and temperature control etc.

Cell and molecular biology laboratory

Cell and molecular biology laboratory is equipped with PCR, reverse osmosis unit, native electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, vertical midi gel system, vertical freezer, agitator incubator, electronic balance etc.

Microbiology laboratory

Microbiology laboratory has colony counter, autoclave, cyclo-mixture, double distillation unit, hot plate, incubator, hot air oven, laminar air flow cabinet, haemocytometer, binocular microscope to teach students the basic microbiological techniques.

Genetic engineering and immunotechnology laboratory

Genetic Engineering and Immunotechology laboratory has RAPD Kit, ODD Kit, RIA Kit, counter current Immuno electrophoresis kit, immuno electrophoresis kit, rocket immuno electrophoresis kit, southern immuno electrophoresis kit, western blotting kit etc.


Bioinformatics laboratory has got sufficient computers and accessories with GCS Wisconsin Package to carry out various dry lab researches.

Bioprocess control and automation

Bioprocess control laboratory is equipped with filtration unit, unsteady flow unit, centrifugal pump, settling equipment, Gyrator sieve shaker, reverse osmosis, packed bed reactor, mass transfer coefficient unit, tray dryer, batch reactor, stirred tank reactor, RTD etc.

Biokinetics and Enzyme technology

Enzyme technology laboratory is equipped with reverse osmosis unit, membrane filtration Unit, semi-distillation unit, refrigerated centrifuge, dialysis unit, micropipettes, microcentrifuge, water bath, homogenizer, cyclo-mixture, electronic balance, Thin layer chromatography, SDS-PACE, column chromatography, refrigerator etc

Fermentation laboratory

Fermentation laboratory is equipped with automatic table top fermenter, incubator shaker, demineralization plant, thin layer chromatography, hot air oven, filtration unit with oil free positive and negative suction pump, electrophoresis unit, centrifuge, chromatographic column, colorimeter, and spectrophotometer.

Project laboratory

Project laboratory is equipped with sophisticated instruments with other facilities like LCD projector, Digital power supply, Wi-Fi and Internet facility, AC and stabilizer.

Research laboratory

Research laboratory was set up through financial grant of Rs. 20 Lakh provided by Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka, under KFIST level 1 Scheme.

Papers (Research Articles):

Jayanayak, G. M., Shashikanth, S., Ahmed, S., Karunakar, P., Ukkund, S. J., Majdi, H. S., ... & Alam, S. (2024). Studies on remediation of neutral red using water insoluble β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) polymers in aqueous solution. AIP Advances, 14(12). (As corresponding author)..

Jayanayak, G. M., Ganalu, R., Shashikanth, Ukkund, S. J., Ahmed, S., AlSubih, M., & Islam, S. (2024). Studies on the Removal of Malachite Green from Its Aqueous Solution Using Water-Insoluble β-Cyclodextrin Polymers. ACS omega, 9(9), 10132- 10145.

Pavithra, M. K., Chaya, G., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Mohammed, S. J., Majdi, H.S., ... & Ukkund, S. J. (2024). LC-MS/MS characterization of pirtobrutinib impurities and product degradation: stability studies. RSC advances, 14(47), 34868-34882.

Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Ukkund, S. J., Deepakumari, H. N., ... & Majdi, H. S. (2024). A practical approach to demonstrate the circular economy in remediation of textile dyes using nutraceutical industrial spent. RSC advances, 14(36), 26464-26483.

Papers (Research Articles):

Ukkund, S. J., Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Algburi, S., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., ... & Al-Mansour, A. I. (2024). Employing nutraceutical industry by-product, cumin seeds spent, for the adsorption treatment of acid blue 113 dye. AIP Advances, 14(9).

Ukkund, S. J., Prakruthi, R., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Alfaisal, F. M., Alam, S., & Majdi, H. S. (2024). Silver vanadate nanoparticles: Green synthesis, enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. AIP Advances, 14(8).

Ukkund, S. J., Jayanayak, G. M., Ganalu, R., Shashikanth, Ahmed, S., AlSubih, M., & Islam, S. (2024). Studies on the Removal of Malachite Green from Its Aqueous Solution Using Water-Insoluble β-Cyclodextrin Polymers. ACS omega, 9(9), 10132-10145.

Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Ukkund, S. J., Deepakumari, H. N., ... & Majdi, H. S. (2024). A practical approach to demonstrate the circular economy in remediation of textile dyes using nutraceutical industrial spent. RSC advances, 14(36), 26464-26483.

Book Chapters:

Production of antimicrobial nanoparticles and possible uses, ISBN: 9781003350941, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2024.

Bioremediation of various industrial effluents utilising microorganism-assisted nanotechnology within a circular economy, Springer Nature (Accepted for publication, not yet published, no ISBN).

Papers (Research Articles):

Ukkund SJ, Bhat N, Ashraf M, et al. GO/CuO Nanohybrid-Based Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensors with an Arduino Detection Unit. ACS Omega. 2023 Sep; 8(36):32512-32519. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c02598. PMID: 37720789; PMCID: PMC10500660.

Book Chapters:

Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Role of microbial nanotechnology in energy devices. In Handbook of Microbial Nanotechnology (pp. 517-547). Academic Press.

Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Dextran nanoparticles: Preparation and applications. In Polysaccharide Nanoparticles (pp. 1-31). Elsevier.


Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells: Biomedical Applications – ISBN: 978-6205633113, Lambert, Germany – 2023.

Genomics and Proteomics: Fundamentals & Applications – ISBN: 978-6207462995, Lambert, Germany – 2023.

International Journal Papers

Vasantha Kumar, Premalatha S, H.S Arunodaya, Sharatha Chandra, Ramith Ramu, Shashank S Patil, Anuradha Baliga, Vaishali M Rai, U Vishwanatha, P Vishwanatha, Shalini Shenoy M, Potential Fluorinated Anti-MRSA thiazolidinone derivatives with antibacterial, antitubercular activity and molecular docking studies"., Vol., 19.1-17 Chem. Biodiversity 2021 Wiley-VHCA AG. Impact Factor: 2.408. (ISI Indexed Yes; SCOPUS; Yes; Citation 0:)

International Journal Papers

ArunodayaH S. Pradeepa K, and Naveen Kumar K J. Presented a paper titled “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the seed extract of Ensetesuperbum and their antibacterial activity assessment” in the International conference on advanced materials science and applications (ICAMA-2020) Organized by the Dept. of physics and IQAC of RAMMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) Bangalore, India, during 3-4 September, 2020.

International Journal Papers

Aparna Kumar, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Nano-finishing of low and high GSM single jersey knitted cotton fabrics, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 10(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 1271-1275, Jan-19.
Khalid Parwez, SV Budihal, Optimisation of carbon nanotubes for advanced diagnosis and biomedical application, International Journal of Nanoparticles, 11 (3), ISSN 2631-5084, 217-238, Jan-19.
Khalid Parwez, SV Budihal, Quality Control and Risk Management of Carbon Nanomaterials, Perspective of Carbon Nanotubes, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen, 86005, 1-6, Sep-19.
JN Neetha, K Sandesh, K Girish Kumar, B Chidananda, P Ujwal, Optimization of Direct Blue-14 Dye Degradation by Bacillus fermus (Kx898362) an Alkaliphilic Plant Endophyte and Assessment of Degraded Metabolite Toxicity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 364, 742-751, 2019. Publisher: Elsevier. Impact Factor: 7.650.Citation : 2.
Premanand M. Honavar, Prithvi S. Shirahatti, Ramith Ramu, Arunodaya H. S, Vasantha Kumar, P. M. Gurubasavaraja Swamy, Naveen Kumar, P. Vishwanatha, B. Shivarama Holla* Synthesis, Antidiabetic, Antimicrobial, and Molecular Docking Studies of Some New Rhodanine Acetic Acid Derivatives. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry; Vol. 30 - Number 02 (Apr-Jun 2020) 211 -216.

International Journal Papers

Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective primary clarification techniques to remove of insolubles from the proteins of hyaluronidase activity in the hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate of Brown shrimp, Metapenaeus monoceros, International Journal Of Analytical Bio-Science, 6(2), ISSN 2187-7912, 30-39, Jun-18.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Ronald Valder, Effect of time and temperature on the fermentation of Palm (Borassus flabellifer)sap by Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolate YN3, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(5), ISSN 2229-5518, 308-315, May-18.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Ronald Valder, Fermentative characteristics of Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T) in Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap at different temperatures, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(5), ISSN 2229-5518, 301-307, May-18.
Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of pH and components of buffer on the hyaluronidase activity in hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimp during homogenization, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3), ISSN 2229-5518, 342-346, Apr-18.
Smitha Blessie Rosario, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective disruption method of shrimp hepatopancreatic tissues to release hyalauronidase, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3), ISSN 2229-5518, 336-341, Mar-18.
Ronald Valder, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Microbial Characteristics Of Freshly Tapped Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer) Sap, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 347-353, Jan-18.
Ronald Valder, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Physico-Chemical Changes In Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer) Sap at Different Temperature, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(1), ISSN 2229-5518, 761-766, Jan-18.
Rizwana Abid and Riaz Mahmood, Acute and sub-acute oral toxicity of ethanol extract of Cassia fistula Linn. Fruit in male rats, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 1-9, 2018
J.N. Neetha, P. Ujwal, K. Sandesh, H. Santhosh, K. Girish “Aerobic biodegradation of Acid Blue-9 dye by Bacillus fermus isolated from Annona reticulata”. Environmental technology and innovation, 2018. (11):253-261. Impact Factor: 2.8.Citation : 2.

International Journal Papers

Arunodaya Hosahalli Sumithregowda, Krishna Venkatarangaiah, Kumaraswamy Malleshappa Honnenahally, Vinaykumar Nagenahalli Manjunath, Cytotoxicity and Oral Acute Toxicity Studies of Litsea glutinosa C. B (ROB) Stem Bark Ethanol Extract, Pharmacogn J. 9(6), 880-886, 2017.
K. Girish Kumar, V. Krishna*, Venkatesh, R. Shashikumar, H. S. Arunodaya., Production of Haploids Plants from Anther Culture of Musa Paradisiaca cv, Puttabale, IJRSI, 4 (3), 1-5, 2017.
Khalid Parwez, VB Suman, Carbon nanotube-hydroxyapatite composite for bone tissue engineering and their interaction with mouse fibroblast L929 In Vitro, Journal of Bionanoscience, 11(3), ISSN 1557-7910, 233-240, Mar-17.

International Journal Papers

P. Khalid, M. A. Hussain, V.B. Suman, A.B. Arun. Toxicology of Carbon Nanotubes – A Review, Int J App Engg Res, 2016; 11(1): 148-157

International Journal Papers

Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Characteristics of alkaline phosphatase isolated from the hepatopancreas of Indian white shrimps, (Penaeusindicus), International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, Vol. 3(2), 1-6, 2015, ISSN: 2187-7912.
P. Khalid, M. A. Hussain, V. B. Suman, A. B. Arun. Toxicology of Carbon Nanotubes - A Review, J. Environ. Nanotechnol. Volume 4, No.4(2015) pp. 62-75

International Journal Papers

Khalid P, Hussain MA, Rekha PD, Arun AB. Carbon nanotube-reinforced hydroxyapatite composite and their interaction with human osteoblast in vitro. Hum ExpToxicol, 2014; 33(9): 897-990 doi: 10.1177/0960327114550883.
Khalid P, Hussain MA, Rekha PD, Sanal C, Suraj S, Rajashekhar M, Suman VB, Sangappa, Arun AB. Interaction of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite with Bacillus subtilis, P. aeruginosa and C. albicans. Indian J Sci Technol. 2014; 7(5):678-84.
Khalid P, Suman VB. Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Biomedical Application, J Bionanossci. 2014; 8:1–5.
P. Khalid,V.B. Suman, S. Shameema, N. A. Vinodini, R. Pai. Shela, Pratik K. Chattergee. Analytical Methods for Nanomaterial Characterization, Int J Nano Dimens, 2014; 5(4): 309-320.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,Optimization of Indian white shrimp alkaline phosphatase purification in Diethylaminoethyl-cellulose column. British Biotechnology Journal, Vol 4(9), 1011-1025, 2014, ISSN: 2231–2927.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,High-throughput primary clarification of Tiny shrimp (Parapenaeopsisstylifera) hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate during the recovery of crude alkaline Phosphatase, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, Vol. 2(3), 7-15, 2014, ISSN: 2187-7912.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficient clarification of the hepatopancreatic homogenate of Red shrimpduring the recovery of crude Alkaline Phosphatase, Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin, Vol 38(1), 8-19, 2014, ISSN 0006-3169.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective Removal of Insolubles from Brown Shrimp Hepatopancreatic Homogenate during Primary Stages of Alkaline Phosphatase Recovery, 2014, Journal of Investigational biochemistry, Vol 1(2), ISSN: 2146-8338.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Concentration technique during the recovery of alkaline phosphatase from Red shrimp hepatopancreas, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 5 (7), 336-342, 2014,ISSN 2229-5518
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Anion Exchange Chromatographic Purification of Hepatopancreatic Alkaline Phosphatase of Red shrimp, Solenocerachoprai. Journal of Analytical Bio-Science, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, Vol. 2(2), 41-51, 2014, ISSN: 2187-7912.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,Optimisation of ammonium sulfate precipitation method to achieve high throughput concentration of crude alkaline phosphatase from Brown shrimp (Metapenaeusmonoceros) pancreas, International Journal of Analytical Bioscience, Vol. 2(1), 1-10, 2014. ISSN: 2187-7912.
Khandagale S Ajay, MundodiLikhitha, BalladkaKunhannaSarojini, Suchetha Shetty and Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu Isolation, purification and biochemical characterization of trypsin from Indian mackerel (Rastralligerkanagurta), Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. Vol.23 (2), 1-10, 2014, ISSN 1049-8850.
SowmyaBolar,Prasanna D. Belur, RegupathiIyyaswami (2014). “Purification of Glutaminase from ZygosaccharomycesRouxii in Polyethylene Glycol – Sodium Sulphate Aqueous Two-Phase System”, Separation Science and Technology, Volume 50(9), Page No. 1360-1368.
M. C. Shailet, M. Krishnamoorthy, Chemomodulatory influence of Aegle Marmelos leaves extract on 3-Methylcholanthrene induced Carcinogenesis in the uterine cervix of Albino mouse, Mus musculus, International Review of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, ISSN: 2349 - 9532, vol.2 no. 1, pp. 225 - 237, Jan-June 2014.

International Journal Papers

Khalid P, Hussain MA, RekhaPD, Arun AB. Modifications of carbon nanotubes for bioapplication and toxicity evaluations. J Environ Nanotechnol. 2013; 2(1): 70-74.
P. Khalid, M. A. Hussain, P. D. Rekha, A. B. Arun.Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite, Indian J SciTechnol, 2013; 6(12): 5546–5551.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, High throughput Diethylaminoethyl cellulose chromatographic purification of Alkaline Phosphatase from Hepatopancreas of Brown shrimp, Metapenaeusmononoceros, Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology, 3(12), 19-25, 2013, ISSN: 2090-4282.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficient concentration of clarified Tiny shrimp hepatopancreatic tissue homogenate during the recovery of crude alkaline phosphatase by ammonium sulfate, International Journal of Research in Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Vol. 3(4):, 33-39, 2013, ISSN: 2277-3827
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Efficiency of Ion Exchange Chromatography to Resolve Alkaline Phosphatase from Hepatopancreas of Tiny Shrimp, Parapenaeopsisstylifera, International Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol.3(2), 35-44, 2013
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu and KathyayaniPuttige, Effective Concentration Method for the Recovery of Crude Alkaline Phosphatase from the Clarified Hepatopancreatic Tissue Homogenate of Shrimp by Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation, Journal of Food Nutritional Disorders, Vol. 2(2), 1-6, 2013, ISSN:2324-9323
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu and KathyayaniPuttige, Primary recovery of alkaline phosphatase from hepatopancreatic tissues of Indian white shrimp at varied centrifugal force and time, Food Science and Biotechnology, 22(2), 399-405, 2013, ISSN 1226-7708 (IF -0.653)
SowmyaBolar, Prasanna D. Belur, RegupathiIyyaswami (2013). “Partitioning studies of Enzyme Glutaminase in Polyethylene Glycol and Salt based Aqueous Two-Phase Systems”. Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 36, Page No. 1378-1386.

International Journal Papers

KathyayaniPuttige, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of homogenization speed and time on the recovery of alkaline phosphatase from the hepatopancreatic tissues of shrimps, Food Science and Biotechnology, 21(2), 461-466, 2012, ISSN 1226-7708 (IF -0.653)

International Journal Papers

Khalid P, Kumar N., Hussain MA, Suman VB. Leptospirosis in febrile patient: diagnosis by serology and PCR. J Bio Life Sci. 2011; 2:2157-6076.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,Effect of pre-drying handling on the quality of the final dried Bombay duck (Harpodonneherius). Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(2), 331-340, 2011, ISSN 1023-2796 (IF-0.805).
KathyayaniPuttige, Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Alkaline Phosphatase Activity during Homogenisation of Hepatopancreatic Tissues of Shrimps using Sodium acetate, KClsolution, Tris-HCl and Glycine-NaOH buffer, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 2(10), 1-6, 2011, ISSN 2229-551.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu et al., Non-invasive urease-biosensor to monitor freshness of spotted catfish, (Arius maculatus), Biotechnology, Vol. 5(4), 142-147, 2011, ISSN 0974-7435.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu et al.,Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung-enriched cellulose rich microcrystalline betel nut shells. Biotechnology-an Indian Journal. In the fourth coming issue, Biotechnology,5(2), 73-78, 2011, ISSN 0974-7435
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettuet al.,Purification and characterization of the trypsin from the visceral waste of the Japanese threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicas), Biotechnology, Vol. 5(2), 123-129, 2011, ISSN 0974-7435

International Journal Papers

Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu,Efficiency of pre-drying handling practices in improving the quality attributes of the final artificial dried Bombay duck (Harpodonneherius)- Food Manufacturing Efficiency Journal, Vol.2(3), 31-39,2009, ISSN 1750-2683.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effect of sun drying and artificial drying of fresh, salted, Bombay duck (Harpodonneherius) on the physical characteristics of the Product, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, Vol. 17(2), 2008, 99-116, ISSN 1049-8850 (IF-0.688).
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Effective methods for post harvest intervention in processing of Bombay duck (Harpodonneherius), Biotechnology, Vol. 2(2), 111-122, 2008.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, et al., Isolation and characterization of alkaline phosphatase from the hepatopancreatic wastes of brown shrimp, Parapenaeopsisstylifera, Biotechnology, Vol. 2(1), 1-8, 2008, ISSN 0974-7435.
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Changes in non-protein nitrogenous substances and deteriorative changes in lipids during sundrying or artificial drying of freshly caught Bombay duck and its impact on the final dried product, Biochemistry, Vol. 2(2-3), 83-90, 2008, ISSN 0974-7427.
Food Spoilage detection using curcumin impregnated smart buttons, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
Extraction, identification and characterisation of the leaves of Memecylon amplexicaule, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
Isolation and characterisation of pigment from clitoria ternatea flower, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
Bio brick production by solid sate fermentation of laterite soil using biopolymer gum producing Bacillus subtilis, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
5. Non invasive potentiometric biosensor to assess milk shark keeping quality, ICEST-24 Conference Proceedings, ISBN-978- 81-19905-39- 3
Khalid p., National Seminar and Workshop on Functional Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Health, Mangalore University, India, 21 st -22 nd of March 2016, Participated and presented a scientific research paper on “Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Bone Tissue Engineering” as poster
Khalid p., National Seminar and Workshop on Functional Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Health, Mangalore University, India, 21 st -22 nd of March 2016, Participated and presented a scientific research paper on “Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Bone Tissue Engineering” as poster
Khalid Parwez, Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Bone Tissue Engineering, Poster presentation, National Seminar and Workshop on Functional Nanomaterials for Energy, Environment and Health, Mangalore University, India, 21st-22nd March 2016.
M.C. Shailet, National Conference on “Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for Sustainability”, Alva s College, Moodabidri, 6th -7th February, 2015.
Khalid p., International Workshop on Coating & Surface for Biomedical Engineering (IWCSB), IIT Madras, India, 16 th – 19 th of February 2014, participated and orally presented a scientific research paper on “Crabon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Application”.
M.C. Shailet, “Chemo Modulatory influence of Aegle Marmelos leaves extract on 3 – Methylcholanthrene induced uterine cervical carcinogenesis in Mus musculus,” in International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. India, 4 – 5 September, 2014.
Khalid p., International Workshop on Coating & Surface for Biomedical Engineering (IWCSB), IIT Madras, India, 16 th – 19 th of February 2014, participated and orally presented a scientific research paper on “Crabon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composites for Biomedical Application”.
M.C. Shailet, “Chemo Modulatory influence of Aegle Marmelos leaves extract on 3 – Methylcholanthrene induced uterine cervical carcinogenesis in Mus musculus,” in International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences, M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. India, 4 – 5 September, 2014.
M.C. Shailet, TEQIP II sponsored one week hands on training and workshop on “Analytical Techniques”, at NMAM Institute of Technology. Nitte. June 23rd -28th, 2014.
M.C. Shailet, National workshop on “DNA Barcoding – Concept and Applications”at Mangalore University College, Mangalore, 18th – 19th Dec. 2014.
Khalid p., International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials, Nanostystems and Applications MAM – 12, Coimbatore, India, 21 st – 25 th of November, 2012, participated and orally presented a scientific research paper on “Modifications of Carbon Nanotube for Bio-Applications and Toxicity Evaluation”.
M.C. Shailet, “Cancer Chemopreventive and Anti mutagenic Potential of Aegle Marmelos leaves extract on 3 – Methylcholanthrene induced uterine cervical carcinogenesis in Mus musculus,”in 33 rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists – Internal Symposium on “Recent Trends and Advances in Biomedical Research- An Integrated Approach”Nitte University, Mangalore, India, 1- 3 November, 2012.
M.C. Shailet, International workshop on “Cell Culture Techniques” at Nitte University, Mangalore, Nov.1, 2012.
Khalid p., International Symposium on Macro-and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials, Nanostystems and Applications MAM – 12, Coimbatore, India, 21 st – 25 th of November, 2012, participated and orally presented a scientific research paper on “Modifications of Carbon Nanotube for Bio-Applications and Toxicity Evaluation”.
M.C. Shailet, “Cancer Chemopreventive and Anti mutagenic Potential of Aegle Marmelos leaves extract on 3 – Methylcholanthrene induced uterine cervical carcinogenesis in Mus musculus,”in 33 rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists – Internal Symposium on “Recent Trends and Advances in Biomedical Research- An Integrated Approach”Nitte University, Mangalore, India, 1- 3 November, 2012.
M.C. Shailet, International workshop on “Cell Culture Techniques” at Nitte University, Mangalore, Nov.1, 2012.
M.C. Shailet, National workshop on “Animal Welfare, Ethics and Experimentation (WAWE 2012)” – Organised by the Dept. Of Biotechnology, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous), Mangalore.17th Aug.2012.
M.C. Shailet, 33rd Annual Conference of Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists – Internal Symposium on “Recent Trends and Advances in Biomedical Research- An Integrated Approach”Nitte University, Mangalore, India, 1-3 November, 2012.
Khalid p., International Workshop on Nanotechnology, NanoEEB, Mangalore, India, 14 th – 16 th December, 2010, Participated and presented a scientific paper on Exploring the Methods for “Screening CNTs toxicity in Bacterial Cells(E.coli) and C.albicans” as poster.
Khalid p., International Workshop on Nanotechnology, NanoEEB, Mangalore, India, 14 th – 16 th December, 2010, Participated and presented a scientific paper on Exploring the Methods for “Screening CNTs toxicity in Bacterial Cells(E.coli) and C.albicans” as poster.

Text Books Published

Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, “Downstream Process Technology –A New Horizon in Biotechnology”, Published by Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012, 1-370 - ISBN: 978-81-203-4040-4 (Is prescribed by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Calicut University, Calicut and NMAMIT, Nitte, K. S. Rangaswamy Institute of Technology, an Autonomous Institute under Anna University as a Main text Book for 7th Semester BE-Biotechnology students.).
Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, “Enzyme Technology-Pacemaker of Biotechnology”, Published by Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011, 1-360, ISBN: 978-81-203-4239-2 (Is prescribed by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum and Calicut University, Calicut for 6th Semester BE-Biotechnology students and North Maharashtra University, Jalgon, Maharashtra as a M. Sc. Microbiology students).
Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Dextran nanoparticles: Preparation and applications. In Polysaccharide Nanoparticles (pp. 1-31). Elsevier.
Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Role of microbial nanotechnology in energy devices. In Handbook of Microbial Nanotechnology (pp. 517-547). Academic Press.
Production of antimicrobial nanoparticles and possible uses, ISBN: 9783031788444, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis (Accepted for publication and will be published Feb 2025)
Bioremediation of various industrial effluents utilising microorganism-assisted nanotechnology within a circular economy, Springer Nature (Accepted for publication not yet published ISBN: 9781003350941)

Invited Talks

  • Dr. Krishna Prasad N, Invited talk entitled: Bacterial concrete- New era for construction industry" Three days hands on workshop, Department of Civil Engineering, St. Joseph’s Engineering College from 07th to 9th February 2024
  • Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Downstream processing Technology, Department of Food Processing and Engineering, DDU Kaushal Kendra, UGC Approved Centre, Loyal Research Center for Innovation, St Aloysius College(Autonomous), Mangalore - 575 003, Karnataka, 15th Aug-17
  • Khalid p., Invited talk on “Nanotechnology” , Department of Electronics and communication, P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore, 30th March 2016
  • Khalid p., Hands on Training on “Downstream Processing and its Application” Department of Biotechnology, N. G. P College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, 15th – 16th Feb 2013.
  • Khalid p., State level “workshop on Nanomaedicine and Molecular Biology” Department of Biochemistry, K.S. Hegde Medical Academy, NITTE University, Deralakatte, Mangalore, Novemver 21st - 23rd , 2013. “ Carbon Nanotubes – Synthesis, Characterization, Application and Environmental Concern”
  • Khalid p., State level workshop on “Molecular Techniques” Department of Biotechnology, P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore, February 25th, 2012. “DNA isolation Techniques”
  • Khalid p., CBNR, Eachanari, Coimbatore, November 24th, 2012, “Production and Toxicological Effect of Carbon Nanotubes”
  • Krishna Prasad N.“Waste utilization of seafood industrial wastes”, at World Standards day celebration, organized by Institute of Engineers (I) Mangalore local chapter, and Institute of Valuers , Mangalore branch on 16th Oct 2012.
  • Krishna Prasad N.“Future prospects of Industrial enzymes”, Organised by Institute of Engineers (I) Mangalore local chapter, and Institute of Valuers , Mangalore branch on 18th Oct 2011
  • Krishna Prasad N.“Prospects of Biotechnology” Teacher interaction program for Pre University lecturers of Dakshina Kannada district along with Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka on 17-11-2011.
  • Krishna Prasad N. “Techniques of Biotechnology” for high school teachers on Electronics, computer science & Biotechnology along with Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka on 29-01-2011
  • Krishna Prasad N.“Tools in Biotechnology” for Pre University Lectures of Dakshina Kannada District along with Block Development Office, Mangalore on 23-8-2011.

Research Scholar

Sl. No. Name of Scholar USN University Registration Year Name of Supervisor Final Defense Date
1 Dr. Kathyayani P. 4PA08PGM02 VTU 2008 Dr. Krishna Prasad N. 02nd Feb 2015
2 Dr. Ronald Valder 4PA07PGN01 VTU 2007 Dr. Krishna Prasad N. 20th Feb 2019
3 Mrs. Shainy Mathew C 4PA21PBT01 VTU 2021 Dr. Krishna Prasad N. Ongoing
4 Laila Jaseela A 4PA22PBT01 VTU 2022 Dr. Krishna Prasad N. Ongoing


Sl. No. Selected Project Name Funds Approved from GoK in Rs Students Name
1 Hydrophobic Bioplastic 3,00,000 1. Diganth (NPA)
2. Mohammed Saif
3. Gautham. M
4. Akshay S.
5. Sukesh
2 Bionapkin 3,00,000 1. AyshaShahzadi (NPA)
2. FathimaMasrufaShahana
3. VaishnaviAmritha
4. Alfiya Mohamed GouseShaikha
5. K. Megha
6. Stephy P.S
7. Amina Dilsha
3 Biofungicidal Fertilizer 3,00,000 1. Anjali A. (NPA)
2. Aishwarya K
3. MuhammedKaif
4. RidhaRahees
5. UmmerFarook K
6. AishwaryaBharadwaj
4 UV protective umbrella from Fish Waste 3,00,000 1. Ritika R. N. (NPA)
2. Naila Anwar
3. BeebiJaseela
4. S. A. ShabanaBanu
5. Ms.Navya Shetty
6. NiharSharief
5 Smart Cloth 3,00,000 1. Anoosha Rao (NPA)
2. Shivali U Shetty
3. Harshitha
4. AyshaSamrath
5. IshaFathima
6. Supriya AN
6 Biocatalytic soap 3,00,000 1.Nishitha N (NPA)
2. FathimaSuhara
3. Beena KM
4. Abdul Salam K
5. UmmerFarook K
6. Samsiya
7. Firoza

Funds Received

Sl. No. Title Principal / Co-Investigator Amount (Rs.) Funding Agency Year
1 “Photo-protective and water repellent, nono- finished cloth and film from fish waste and weed leaf”Ref: VGST/GRD-673/2017-18/526 dated 02.02.2019. Krishna Prasad N (PI) 20,00,000 Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society (KSTePS), Government of Karnataka, 2018-20 Ongoing
2 Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Biomedical Applications Dr. Khalid P (PI) 4,00,000 VGST 2015-16 Ongoing
3 Safety evaluation of Carbon Nanomaterials Dr. Khalid P (PI) 60,00,000 Nano-mission (DST) Under consideration
4 UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian Squid (Loligoduvauceli) ink Mealanin Student Project 40,000 VGST-TRIP 2015-16 Ongoing
5 Isolation, purification and characterization of trypsin from fish visceral waste of fish processing industries Krishna Prasad N.(Co-PI) 3,01,752 Ministry of Earth Science 2008-11 Completed
6 Post toddy tap intervention of fermentation to produce commercial beverage Student Project 5,000 KSCST 2014 Completed
7 Green waste technology (GWT) for fish processing factories Student Project 4,000 KSCST 2014 Completed
8 Utilization of hepatopancreatic wastes of marine shrimps Student Project 4,500 KSCST 2014 Completed
9 Biotechnological oral healthcare product Student Project 5,000 KSCST 2014 Completed
10 Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung enriched beetle nut shell Student Project 4,500 KSCST 2009-10 Completed
11 Edible health tooth paste for appetite Student Project 5,000 KSCST 2007-8 Completed
12 Probiotic health drinks from palm sap Student Project 5,000 KSCST 2006-7 Completed


  • Process to make biodegradable, and hydrophobic juice container and straw using coconut plant (Cocos nucifera) leaves, Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) policosanol, arecanut shell fibre (Areca catechu) and jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) mucilage and seeds, 202241041932,Published on 26/01/2024
  • Process to improve the absorption properties and confer antimicrobial activity to arecanut shell fibre, 202241041933, Published on 26/01/2024
  • Process to make biofertilizer with antipathogenic properties, 202241041934, Published on 26/01/2024
  • Process of nano-finishing of cotton fabric with eumelanin purified from Indian squid, Uroteuthis duvauceli to confer ultra- violet rays protective property,202241041936, Published on 26/01/2024
  • Process of finishing of policosanol purified from Colocasia (Colocasia esculenta) leaf on cotton fabric to confer super hydrophobicity, 202241041931, Published on 26/01/2024
  • Patent:

  • Process to make biocatalytic soapnut (Sapindus trifoliatus) detergent, 202241041935, Published on 26/01/2024
  • Thermal Insulated Food Container With Process For Manufacturing Thereof With Rice Straw, Arecanut Leaf Sheath Peel, And Colocasia-Based Bioplastic, 202441038284, Filed on 15/05/2024

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