Biotechnology is the use of biological processes or product to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of life and environment. Biotechnology is the fastest growing knowledge based sector in India and rest of the world. With the country offering research and development facilities, knowledge, skills, and cost effectiveness, biotechnologist has greater role to play.
Department of Biotechnology at P. A. College of Engineering established in the year 2002, conducts four years B. E. in Biotechnology programme under Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgum. The department since its inception reached greater heights while catering the need of the society and industry. Salient feature of the department is as follows.
Professor & Head
Department of Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology was established in the year 2002 with the vision to be recognised as a Department of International repute to teach and train students in the interdisciplinary areas in biological science and engineering. The department is offering undergraduate programme in Biotechnology to cater the needs of the industry.
The students are motivated to develop dynamic professionalism to become the best biotechnologist and entrepreneurs. Modern Biotechnology has application in medicine, food, agriculture industry and environmental sector. The department is approved by Visvesvaraiah Technological University as a research centre to carry out research work in the frontiers of Biotechnology.
We have highly qualified and dedicated faculty with specialization in agriculture Biotechnology, food Biotechnology, nanotechnology, medical Biotechnology, and environmental Biotechnology. We have highly equipped laboratories.
Total intake of the department is 30. For the past ten years we have achieved 100% results in the final year university examination conducted by Visvesvaraiah Technological University, Belgaum. We have produced two university rank holders. Ten of the final year research projects were financially supported by Karnataka State Council for Science technology, Bangalore.
Biotechnology is a research oriented field and one third of our students are already pursuing Masters and Doctoral program in India, USA, Europe, North America and Australia. Our students are placed in companies such as Biocon, Monsanto, Cell works, Nicholas Piramal Life Sciences, XL Life Sciences, IMT Technologies etc.
The department has published more than 60 research papers in the National and International Journals and Published three Text Books. These were prescribed text book for VTU, Annamallai University, Chennai, University of Calicut, Northern Maharashtra University and SRM University. Biotechnology is the fastest growing knowledge based sector in India. With the country offering R&D facilities, knowledge, skills, and cost effectiveness, the biotechnologist has greater role to play.
10th rank (2014-2018)BE Biotechnology University Examination
VTU 5th rank (2013-2017)BE Biotechnology University Examination
VTU 5th rank (2008-2012)BE Biotechnology University Examination
VTU 5th rank (2004-2008)BE Biotechnology University Examination
3rd Rank (2017 - 2021)BE Biotechnology. University Examination
4th Rank (2017 - 2021)BE Biotechnology. University Examination
5 th Rank (2022-23)BE Biotechnology. University Examination
6 th Rank (2022-23)BE Biotechnology. University Examination
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
Professor and Head
Degree : B.Sc.
Year : 1988
University : Mangalore University, Mangalore
PG Degree : M.Sc.
Year : 1991
University : Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore University, Mangalore
Doctoral Degree : “Changes in non-protein nitrogenous substances and deteriorative changes in lipids in fresh, dried, salted and dried Bombay duck (Harpodon neherius)”
Year : 1995
University : Central Institute of Fisheries Education, ICAR, Deemed University, Mumbai
UG : 27
PG : 1
Associate Professor
Degree : B.E.
Year : 2002
University : R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore,Bangalore University, Bangalore
PG Degree : M.Tech
Year : 2004
University : Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur,Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum,Karnataka
Doctoral Degree : “Kinetic Study of fermented and nonfermented palm(Borassus flebellifer L)”sap.
Year : 2019
University : Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum
UG : 12
Assistant Professor
Degree : Biotechnology
Year : 2012
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
PG Degree : Nanotechnology
Year : 2014
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
Year : 2021
University : Srinivas University, Mangalore
UG : 18
PG : 5
Assistant Professor
Degree : B.Sc. (microbiology, Zoology and Chemistry)
Year : 1997
University : Mangalore University
PG Degree : MSc. (Microbiology)
Year : 1999
University : Mangalore University
Doctoral Degree : (Pursuing)
Year :
University :
UG : 10
Assistant Professor
Year : 2012
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
PG Degree : M.tech in Environmental Engineering
Year : 2015
University : Manipal University
Doctoral Degree : Ongoing
Year : 2024
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
S. Sri Shalini, Laila Jaseela, Archana P Abraham, Ligy Philip,et al., (2016), “Evaluation of DRDO Based Anaerobic Biodigesters for Blackwater Treatment”, 4th International faecal sludge management conference –Paper entitled Performance”, Chennai, February 2016.
Treatment of Dairy Effluent Using Cicer Arietinum – LAILA JASEELA A AND DR. MOHANDAS CHADAGA (2015), International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 6
Ligy Philip, Kalaivani Kannappan, Dinesh Sanka Loganathachetti, Guthala Ravikumar, Laila Jaseela, Archana P Abraham "Performance Evaluation and Prokaryotic Community Structure of Onsite Anaerobic Bio-digesters Treating Black Water" communicated to RSC advances.
UG : 3
Assistant Professor
Degree : B.E Biotechnology
Year : 2012
University : VTU, Belagavi
PG Degree : M.Tech Biotechnology
Year : 2014
University : VTU, Belagavi
PG : 5
Faculty in-charge:
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Rusafidha PV, VIII Semester student | President |
2 | Kathija Shafa, VI | Vice-president |
3 | Thabshira Mariyam, VIII Semester student | Secretary |
4 | Preetham Godwin, IV sem student | Joint Secretary |
Amis Ahmed , Managing Director / Co-founder, Aaidah Life sciences Pvt Ltd, New Delhi..
“Well crafted curriculum, an institution with right assets, freedom and ease of innovation and of course talented and motivational teachers - Department of Biotechnology has fuelled my dreams, making me able to realize my vision”.”
Syed Usman Taqui, Recipient of European Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, Ph. D. Scholar in Membrane Engineering, European Consortium.
""I am truly blessed I chose Biotechnology stream as it has myriad applications and diverse options open up after B.E for higher studies. Being research oriented field, it stands an edge in contributing to nation’s growth.”
Mohammed Asfaque founder of the Atelier Designs Showroom in Mangalore
“I am really blessed to be a part of Department of Biotechnology where my innovative ideas pitched into entrepreneurial setup”
Neeshad V SProcess Design Engineer Metito Ltd./Global Community ManagerCliMates/National Coordinator AYCM Qatar/Executive Member African Youth Advocacy Platform
“P. A. College of Engineering has proved to be a milestone in my life and I give all the credit to the excellent faculty and the system that helped to excel””
Sudeendra Rao Director, Datalore PVt. Ltd, BangaloreFormers Data Scientist, Monsanto Holdings Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
“Nine tenths of education is encouragement.I have received this encouragement from my professors”
Qais Shabandri Senior Scientist, R&D, Biocon Ltd., Bangalore
“Currently employed as a Scientist in one of the succesful biotech company Biocon, I owe my success to the college which was instrumental in building the foundation of Biotech knowledge" ”
Shruthi MSSenior Biochemist,IMT technologies, Bangalore
“It was a fruitfull journey through the department of biotechnology of PACE to the Biotech Industry” as a biotech Professional"" ”
To serve as a knowledge and information sharing centre, other than the central library we have department library with 82 reference books, 114 seminar reports and 52 project reports. This readily serves as the best readily available information source for the students to acquire, retrieve knowledge about the latest trends in biotechnology.
To cater the needs of biotechnology industries, our students are trained in well-equipped laboratories. We have all the equipments in the laboratories as per the scheme and syllabus.
Biochemistry laboratory is geared up with incubator, colorimeter, magnetic stirrer, digester, UV visible double beam spectrophotometer, desiccators, flame spectrophotometer, pH meter, furnace, table top centrifuge, water bath, agitator etc.
To learn the basic unit operation techniques we have instruments like Interacting and non-interaction systems, batch and continuous reactors with pH, flow, light, pressure, and temperature control etc.
Cell and molecular biology laboratory is equipped with PCR, reverse osmosis unit, native electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, vertical midi gel system, vertical freezer, agitator incubator, electronic balance etc.
Microbiology laboratory has colony counter, autoclave, cyclo-mixture, double distillation unit, hot plate, incubator, hot air oven, laminar air flow cabinet, haemocytometer, binocular microscope to teach students the basic microbiological techniques.
Genetic Engineering and Immunotechology laboratory has RAPD Kit, ODD Kit, RIA Kit, counter current Immuno electrophoresis kit, immuno electrophoresis kit, rocket immuno electrophoresis kit, southern immuno electrophoresis kit, western blotting kit etc.
Bioinformatics laboratory has got sufficient computers and accessories with GCS Wisconsin Package to carry out various dry lab researches.
Bioprocess control laboratory is equipped with filtration unit, unsteady flow unit, centrifugal pump, settling equipment, Gyrator sieve shaker, reverse osmosis, packed bed reactor, mass transfer coefficient unit, tray dryer, batch reactor, stirred tank reactor, RTD etc.
Enzyme technology laboratory is equipped with reverse osmosis unit, membrane filtration Unit, semi-distillation unit, refrigerated centrifuge, dialysis unit, micropipettes, microcentrifuge, water bath, homogenizer, cyclo-mixture, electronic balance, Thin layer chromatography, SDS-PACE, column chromatography, refrigerator etc
Fermentation laboratory is equipped with automatic table top fermenter, incubator shaker, demineralization plant, thin layer chromatography, hot air oven, filtration unit with oil free positive and negative suction pump, electrophoresis unit, centrifuge, chromatographic column, colorimeter, and spectrophotometer.
Project laboratory is equipped with sophisticated instruments with other facilities like LCD projector, Digital power supply, Wi-Fi and Internet facility, AC and stabilizer.
Research laboratory was set up through financial grant of Rs. 20 Lakh provided by Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka, under KFIST level 1 Scheme.
Jayanayak, G. M., Shashikanth, S., Ahmed, S., Karunakar, P., Ukkund, S. J., Majdi, H. S., ... & Alam, S. (2024). Studies on remediation of neutral red using water insoluble β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) polymers in aqueous solution. AIP Advances, 14(12). (As corresponding author)..
Jayanayak, G. M., Ganalu, R., Shashikanth, Ukkund, S. J., Ahmed, S., AlSubih, M., & Islam, S. (2024). Studies on the Removal of Malachite Green from Its Aqueous Solution Using Water-Insoluble β-Cyclodextrin Polymers. ACS omega, 9(9), 10132- 10145.
Pavithra, M. K., Chaya, G., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Mohammed, S. J., Majdi, H.S., ... & Ukkund, S. J. (2024). LC-MS/MS characterization of pirtobrutinib impurities and product degradation: stability studies. RSC advances, 14(47), 34868-34882.
Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Ukkund, S. J., Deepakumari, H. N., ... & Majdi, H. S. (2024). A practical approach to demonstrate the circular economy in remediation of textile dyes using nutraceutical industrial spent. RSC advances, 14(36), 26464-26483.
Ukkund, S. J., Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Algburi, S., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., ... & Al-Mansour, A. I. (2024). Employing nutraceutical industry by-product, cumin seeds spent, for the adsorption treatment of acid blue 113 dye. AIP Advances, 14(9).
Ukkund, S. J., Prakruthi, R., Deepakumari, H. N., Revanasiddappa, H. D., Alfaisal, F. M., Alam, S., & Majdi, H. S. (2024). Silver vanadate nanoparticles: Green synthesis, enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. AIP Advances, 14(8).
Ukkund, S. J., Jayanayak, G. M., Ganalu, R., Shashikanth, Ahmed, S., AlSubih, M., & Islam, S. (2024). Studies on the Removal of Malachite Green from Its Aqueous Solution Using Water-Insoluble β-Cyclodextrin Polymers. ACS omega, 9(9), 10132-10145.
Taqui, S. N., Syed, U. T., Mir, R. A., Syed, A. A., Ukkund, S. J., Deepakumari, H. N., ... & Majdi, H. S. (2024). A practical approach to demonstrate the circular economy in remediation of textile dyes using nutraceutical industrial spent. RSC advances, 14(36), 26464-26483.
Production of antimicrobial nanoparticles and possible uses, ISBN: 9781003350941, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2024.
Bioremediation of various industrial effluents utilising microorganism-assisted nanotechnology within a circular economy, Springer Nature (Accepted for publication, not yet published, no ISBN).
Ukkund SJ, Bhat N, Ashraf M, et al. GO/CuO Nanohybrid-Based Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensors with an Arduino Detection Unit. ACS Omega. 2023 Sep; 8(36):32512-32519. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c02598. PMID: 37720789; PMCID: PMC10500660.
Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Role of microbial nanotechnology in energy devices. In Handbook of Microbial Nanotechnology (pp. 517-547). Academic Press.
Ukkund, S. J., Alke, B., Taqui, S. N., & Syed, U. T. (2022). Dextran nanoparticles: Preparation and applications. In Polysaccharide Nanoparticles (pp. 1-31). Elsevier.
Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells: Biomedical Applications – ISBN: 978-6205633113, Lambert, Germany – 2023.
Genomics and Proteomics: Fundamentals & Applications – ISBN: 978-6207462995, Lambert, Germany – 2023.
Sl. No. | Name of Scholar | USN | University | Registration Year | Name of Supervisor | Final Defense Date |
1 | Dr. Kathyayani P. | 4PA08PGM02 | VTU | 2008 | Dr. Krishna Prasad N. | 02nd Feb 2015 |
2 | Dr. Ronald Valder | 4PA07PGN01 | VTU | 2007 | Dr. Krishna Prasad N. | 20th Feb 2019 |
3 | Mrs. Shainy Mathew C | 4PA21PBT01 | VTU | 2021 | Dr. Krishna Prasad N. | Ongoing |
4 | Laila Jaseela A | 4PA22PBT01 | VTU | 2022 | Dr. Krishna Prasad N. | Ongoing |
Sl. No. | Selected Project Name | Funds Approved from GoK in Rs | Students Name |
1 | Hydrophobic Bioplastic | 3,00,000 | 1. Diganth (NPA) 2. Mohammed Saif 3. Gautham. M 4. Akshay S. 5. Sukesh |
2 | Bionapkin | 3,00,000 | 1. AyshaShahzadi (NPA) 2. FathimaMasrufaShahana 3. VaishnaviAmritha 4. Alfiya Mohamed GouseShaikha 5. K. Megha 6. Stephy P.S 7. Amina Dilsha |
3 | Biofungicidal Fertilizer | 3,00,000 | 1. Anjali A. (NPA) 2. Aishwarya K 3. MuhammedKaif 4. RidhaRahees 5. UmmerFarook K 6. AishwaryaBharadwaj |
4 | UV protective umbrella from Fish Waste | 3,00,000 | 1. Ritika R. N. (NPA) 2. Naila Anwar 3. BeebiJaseela 4. S. A. ShabanaBanu 5. Ms.Navya Shetty 6. NiharSharief |
5 | Smart Cloth | 3,00,000 | 1. Anoosha Rao (NPA) 2. Shivali U Shetty 3. Harshitha 4. AyshaSamrath 5. IshaFathima 6. Supriya AN |
6 | Biocatalytic soap | 3,00,000 | 1.Nishitha N (NPA) 2. FathimaSuhara 3. Beena KM 4. Abdul Salam K 5. UmmerFarook K 6. Samsiya 7. Firoza |
Sl. No. | Title | Principal / Co-Investigator | Amount (Rs.) | Funding Agency | Year |
1 | “Photo-protective and water repellent, nono- finished cloth and film from fish waste and weed leaf”Ref: VGST/GRD-673/2017-18/526 dated 02.02.2019. | Krishna Prasad N (PI) | 20,00,000 | Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society (KSTePS), Government of Karnataka, | 2018-20 Ongoing |
2 | Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Composite for Biomedical Applications | Dr. Khalid P (PI) | 4,00,000 | VGST | 2015-16 Ongoing |
3 | Safety evaluation of Carbon Nanomaterials | Dr. Khalid P (PI) | 60,00,000 | Nano-mission (DST) | Under consideration |
4 | UV Protective Nano-finished Fabric Using Indian Squid (Loligoduvauceli) ink Mealanin | Student Project | 40,000 | VGST-TRIP | 2015-16 Ongoing |
5 | Isolation, purification and characterization of trypsin from fish visceral waste of fish processing industries | Krishna Prasad N.(Co-PI) | 3,01,752 | Ministry of Earth Science | 2008-11 Completed |
6 | Post toddy tap intervention of fermentation to produce commercial beverage | Student Project | 5,000 | KSCST | 2014 Completed |
7 | Green waste technology (GWT) for fish processing factories | Student Project | 4,000 | KSCST | 2014 Completed |
8 | Utilization of hepatopancreatic wastes of marine shrimps | Student Project | 4,500 | KSCST | 2014 Completed |
9 | Biotechnological oral healthcare product | Student Project | 5,000 | KSCST | 2014 Completed |
10 | Biohydrogen fuel from cow dung enriched beetle nut shell | Student Project | 4,500 | KSCST | 2009-10 Completed |
11 | Edible health tooth paste for appetite | Student Project | 5,000 | KSCST | 2007-8 Completed |
12 | Probiotic health drinks from palm sap | Student Project | 5,000 | KSCST | 2006-7 Completed |