Sep 5, 2018 - Sep 5, 2018
We celebrate Teachers day every year throughout the country on 5th September. Students express their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers on this day. This day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the great academic philosopher and one of the most well known diplomats, scholar, president of India and above all a teacher. As a tribute to this great teacher, his birthday has been observed as teachers day.
The Teachers day celebration conducted at our Computer Science & Engineering department on 5th September 2018 by Final Year CSE students. The HOD, Dr. M Sharmila Kumari, Dr. Zahid Ansari, Dean Research and Prof. Ganesh Pai shared their views on what motivated them to choose this noble profession of teaching. Students conducted various competitions like Quiz, fun games etc. followed by refreshments .Ms. Aditi Naik was the master of ceremony; Ms. Niyaza delivered the vote of thanks.