May 16, 2019 - May 16, 2019
Department of Mechanical Engineering of PACE organized a visit to the PURSE lab at Mangalore university on 16-05-19. Our students are studying material testing lab during their fourth semester of engineering. This visit was conducted for these students to get a good exposure on this lab as well as to fill the curriculum gap. This lab is equipped with various high-end equipment such as X-Ray Diffractometer, Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometer, Amino Acid Analyser, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer, Thermogravimetric analyser & Differential Scanning Calorimeter, RF/DC-Magnetron Sputtering Unit, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Laser Particle Analyser, Cytogenetic Workstation, Logic analyser and other equipment for research in Molecular Biology. Mr. Praveen P, Scientific officer, explained the set up and demonstrated the process of conducting test. Course coordinator Mr. Kirankumar B and course instructor Mr. Ali Afzal of PACE accompanied the visit.