Sep 15, 2019 - Sep 15, 2019
The Civil Engineering Department of
P.A College of Engineering has celebrated Engineers day Er.Arun Prabha, General
Manager (Tech) Mangaluru Smart City Ltd. was the chief guest and addressed
students to instil the qualities of Sir M Visvesvaraya in their practice. Dr.
Abdul Shareif, Principal spoke about achievements of Sir MV Dr.Palakshappa K,
Professor & Head Civil Engineering briefed about the role of Sir MV in
building infrastructures of Karnataka. Ms. Mariam Amir
welcomed the gathering and Mr. Nishad rendered vote of thanks. In connection with engineers day
celebration PACE conducted various technical talks for benefits of students to
know more about the new construction activities and other aspects of civil
1. Construction and demolition waste -
by Er. Rajendra Kalbhavi.
2. Rain water harvesting - by Er.
Bharath J, Consulting Engineer.
3. Construction safety - by Er. Ashok
4. Indian transport present status and future needs - Dr. Suresh S N, NITK Surathkal.