Oct 28, 2018
The Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA) in coordination with Aero club & CFD club conducted an invited talk on “Recent Advancements In Defence And Space Resources”, by Dr S A Khan (Professor , International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lampur, Former scientist DRDO , Ex-Principal PACE) on 28 th October 2018 at Multipurpose Hall, PACE. The occasion was aimed at 3 rd year Mechanical Students . Event was witnessed by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean ( Research) , heads of Civil ,CS & EEE departments, Director (MBA) and ME faculty members.
On the occasion, the Dr Khan interacted with students between 11.00 am to 1 pm and shared his experiences with them. He discussed about recent advancements in defence and space resources and his research in the field of aeronautics. Dr. Khan also gave a brief overview of his contribution to the DRDO such as the alterations he made in the missile and rocket to adapt longer trajectories. At the end, he talked about his ongoing research at IIUM, and developments being made with the rise in modern era of science and technology.
In the beginning of the session, Prof Varun Hegde gave a brief explanation about the GATE exams and explained the students in tackling the GATE exams and the importance of the exam. Prof. Kareemullah , coordinator aero club , presented the preamble of the program & presented the students about the advancements in jet propulsion and aerodynamics .
Dr. Abdul Sharief, Principal PACE, gave the presidential address & briefed the students about the chief guest and asked to be in contact with the chief guest.Dr. Ramis MK, Vice- Principal PACE, gave a conclusion remark, thanked the guests for coming & management to give the opportunity to conduct this program & advised students to keep the tempo. He updated about new research centre taken up by institute and also the MoU between Yenepoya Dental Materials Lab, Yenepoya University and Material Testing Lab, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PACE .
The meet was concluded by vote of thanks given by Mohammed Riza Washiq (5ME2), In his speech , he thanked the Principal and the college management for this wonderful opportunity and also humbly appealed the alumni to be in touch and be connected with the institute.