May 14, 2019
On 14 the May 2019 an invited talk on INDUSTRY 4.0 was held in P A College of Engineering. It was attended by the 6th semester Mechanical students. The program was conducted from 10.30 am to 1.00.pm
The objective of the programme was to bring insight about the concepts of INDUSTRY 4.0, Challenges inherent in adopting an Industry 4.0 and its various components. Further the discussion included the applications of (IOTs) Internet of Things in smart manufacturing, big data analysis and Cloud Computing.
Mr.Habeebur Rahman was the key note speaker who delivered the talk on basic concepts regarding the industrial revolution. He then detailed the different components of Industry 4.0. Students were introduced to the applications of big data analysis and cloud computing.
Workshop concluded with a vote of thanks from Mr Mohammed Hafil .