Apr 30, 2019
TECHNIX 2k19 , the two-day National level Technical Fest organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore was concluded on 30 th April 2019.
Dr.Melanie Rodrigues, Chief Operating Officer, spot BIOSYSTEMS USA graced the occasion as chief guest .Mr Abdulla Ibrahim, Executive Director PAET, Dr.Abdul Sharief, Principal PACE, Dr.Ramis M.K, Vice Principal, Dr. Sufraz Hasim,Director Academics, Dr.Zahid Ansari, Dean research and Dr.Sharmila kumari, HOD CSE were present on the dais.
Dr.Melanie Rodrigues,in her address, she adviced the students to come out of the comfortable zone. She also said that dream high with limited options and work towards it, nothing is impossible to achieve.
The two day Fest witnessed the participation of students from across the region in a series of technical events displaying their technical skills and competencies. Prof. Mohammed Hafeez M K and Prof. Jovita V.S were staff coordinators. Mr. sheik Mohammed Adil and Mr. Abdul Rehman Bathish were student coordinators of this Tech. Fest. Ms Shahana Ankalagi welcomed the gathering and Ms Deeksha introduced the chief guest. Vote of thanks was done by Mr Faizan. Master of ceremony of this event was Aditi Naik.