Oct 3, 2019
WordPress and WooCommerce WorkShop was conducted by Department of CSE. P A College of Engineering, Mangalore under ASCII [Association of Computer Science Innovative Intellectuals] Group, PACE on 3 rd October 2019. Prof. Tanzeem Agra, Assistant Professor, CSE, PACE, Mangaluru was the Resource Person. The Students from 7 th Semester CSE were attended this workshop.
The main objective of this workshop is to educate the students how to design online store like Amazon and flipkart and to sell the product using digital marketing system. In one day workshop, students learn how to create simple and variable product, add to whilst and cart, place order, online traction system, Product delivery management system using wordpress and wooCommerce Technology. WooCommerce is for selling products and services. Specifically, it makes doing online shopping things affordable and accessible. You can sell digital and physical products, manage inventory and shipping, take secure payments, and sort taxes automatically. You keep 100% control over all your data, there’s support for mobile devices, and the potential to scale your sites is limitless. To run a successful online store, you not only have to attract the right audience to your site; you have to capture their attention and persuade them to purchase. Woocommerce help the customer to sell the product online.