Mar 13, 2020 - Mar 14, 2020
A 2 days workshop on "Programming using Python- Fundamentals and Beyond" was conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bearys Institute of Technology, Mangalore on 13th and 14th March 2020. The workshop was conducted for students of Department of Computer Science & Engineering and interested Faculty members. Dr. Zahid Ansari (Dean Research, PAET) was invited as the main resource person along with Prof. Asif Afzal (Assoc. Professor, Mechanical Engineering) for the 2 day workshop. The workshop was mainly to cover the fundamentals of Python programming and to brief its essence of multi-threading, GUI, etc. Apart from the first key-note session by Dr. Zahid Ansari, all the sessions of the workshop were hands-on. The students were 80 in number and the sessions were very interactive. The program ended with valedictory function in the presence of honorable BIT chairman Syed Beary.