Jun 29, 2020 - Jun 29, 2020
Department of Civil Engineering organised Webinar Week 2020 (29th June 2020 ? 4th July 2020) under the banner of FORCE (Fraternity Of Rising Civil Engineers). The 1st day webinar was conducted on 29th June 2020 on ZOOM platform along with video live streaming on YouTube, on the topic ?Water Supply and Advanced Wastewater Treatment?. Mr. Sanjith S Anchan, Ph. D., Research Scholar, Department of Chemical Engineering , NITK, Surathkal was the resource person. Staff and students from PACE and participants from various other organisations across the state and country participated in the webinar. Ms. Dishadvi D, Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering and the webinar host welcomed all the participants and spoke about relevance of the topic. Dr. Palakshappa K, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering introduced the resource person. The speaker delivered a power point presentation on the topics importance of water, water supply, water demand, intake structures, sewerage system, wastewater treatment plant and modelling and control of wastewater treatment plant were highlighted.
At the end of the presentation there was a session on question and answer where there was interaction with the participants and queries were addressed by the resource person. Ms. Shifana, student of 8th semester proposed the vote of thanks.
To watch the recorded video of the webinar click on the link given below.