Aug 16, 2021 - Aug 16, 2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PACE, conducted Embed Design Challenge in association with Embed Club for 4th sem students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering and ECE students on 16/8/2021. Where students designed and implemented Microcontroller based working models projects. Winners were awarded with prizes. Prof. Habeeb Ur Rehman, Prof. Nishant Narayanan and Prof. Mohammed Saifuddin where the staff coordinator Mr. Mohammed Mubashir and Mr. Hassan Mashmoom were the student Coordinators for the event.
The Valedictory of the workshop held at 3:30 PM of 16/8/2021, function was presided by our honourable Principal Dr.Ramiz M.K. Other dignitaries present on the occasion are Dr. Sayyed Hayan, Prof. Sakeena , Prof. Habeeb ur Rehman, and Prof Mohammed Saifuddin.