Jun 24, 2020 - Jun 24, 2020
International PACE-NAIN Webinar 2020 on a topic “Validation of computerized systems in a regulated industry” was organized by Department of Biotechnology, P. A. College of Engineering, Mangaluru on 24th June 2020, in association with Dept. of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka, K-tech Innovation Hub, Bangalore & PACE group. Ms. Shanon Lynn D’silva, Senior Executive, Mylan, Bangalore, was the resource person. Shanon had given insight into the computer system validation, data integrity, electronic record and system in pharmaceutical industry. She has stressed to inculcate ethics while documenting analytical data in regulated industry. Shanon had illustrated the steps involved in the validation of the computer system in regulated industries. Total of 83 delegates from India, Canada, United Kingdom, Qatar, Dubai, Antigua and Trinidad have registered for the webinar. Dr. Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu has moderated the programme. .