Aug 1, 2022 - Aug 1, 2022
P. A. College of Engineering proudly announces that PACE was one among 12 colleges approved by Karnataka Innovation & Technological Society, Dept. of Electronics, IT, BT, Science & Technology, GOK, for the NAIN Phase-3, for an extension of two years of MoU and IB.
A meeting for signing the MoU was conducted on Monday 1st August @ 11:00 AM in KITS Conference Hall, Bangalore. PACE was represented by Dr. Ramis M K, Principal, Dr. Krishna Prasad, District Innovation Associate (DIA) and Prof. Habeeb Ur Rahman, College Coordinator. KITS was represented by Dr. Sandhya R. Anvekar, Program Head, Mr. Arjun Vodayar, KAS, and Mr. Mohan Kumar D, Associate Executive-NAIN. The progress achieved by PACE was well appreciated by the KITS representatives.