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Hands on session on “How to write claim sets in patent writing”

Nov 9, 2023 - Nov 9, 2023

The Department of Biotechnology at P. A. College of Engineering, Mangalore, facilitated a comprehensive hands-on session on the intricacies of patent writing, specifically focusing on "How to Write Claim Sets." The session, skilfully conducted by Dr. Krishnaprasad N., a distinguished Professor and Head of the Department, took place in F-43. The event, held on November 9, 2023, garnered enthusiastic participation from both final-year students and faculty members.
Dr. Krishnaprasad N.s expertise in the field shone through as he delved into the nuances of constructing effective claim sets in patent writing. The attendees, comprising eager final-year students and dedicated staff, were immersed in a learning experience that went beyond theoretical understanding. The practical, hands-on nature of the session allowed participants to grasp the intricacies of patent writing, a crucial skill in the realm of biotechnology.
This event not only served as an academic enrichment opportunity but also as a platform for fostering a deeper understanding of the patenting process within the realm of biotechnology. As the participants engaged actively, it is anticipated that the knowledge gained during this session will prove instrumental in their academic endeavours and future professional pursuits. Overall, the Department of Biotechnologys initiative provided a valuable forum for knowledge exchange and skill development in the domain of patent writing.

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