Aug 20, 2016 - Aug 20, 2016
Centre for Professional and Organisational Development (CPOD) at P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore organised a one day Faculty Development Programme on \"Organising & Learning\" and \"Learning for Teaching\". Mr. Nisam AP, Managing Director, Abelian Solutions Pvt Ltd. and a renowned trainer was the resource person. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Abdul Sharief, (Principal, PACE) who stressed upon the importance of continuous learning process for academician. Dr Ramis MK (Vice- Principal, PACE), also addressed the gathering. Prof. Habeeb from MBA Department delivered welcomed address, Prof. Surfaraz Hasim, Academic Director of PACE summarised the event, Prof. Sheethal Kumar narrated the programme and Prof. Rashal Sarkar delivered vote of thanks.