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Workshop on Medical Image Processing using Python

Feb 24, 2023 - Feb 24, 2023

IEEE PACE Student Branch in association with Ignited Minds of Electronics (IME) organized a workshop on “Medical Image Processing using Python” for second year students on 24th February, 2023.
The main objective of the workshop was to introduce participants to the basics of medical image processing using Python. The sessions were conducted in a VLSI lab, where the participants were provided with hands-on experience of the concepts learned during the sessions. The participants were able to understand the fundamentals of the Python programming language, image processing techniques in Python, medical image visualisation using Python, medical image analysis using Python, and machine learning in medical image processing. Every participant had to create an account on the Google Collaborate website, a free cloud-based platform that allows users to write and run Python code in a Jupiter notebook environment. It provides access to a powerful GPU and allows for easy collaboration and sharing of code. By the end of the workshop, participants had learned the fundamentals of medical image processing using Python and face detection, as well as how to improve them.
The workshop was conducted by Dr. U.C Niranjan, Director of Research and Training at MDN. He brings more than 18 years of experience and passion in signal-processing. He has been teaching at various levels at the Manipal Institute of Technology since 1986. 
Workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Sharmila Kumari, Vice Principal. Prof. Mohammad Hussain K., HOD-EC Department, Prof. Zakir Bellary were present.

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