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Report on All faculty meeting-2021 held in Multipurpose Hall

Oct 23, 2021 - Oct 23, 2021

The agenda of the meeting was to highlight the objectives of OBE- Outcome -Based Education. Prof. Zeeshan, HOD, chemistry, performed the invocation. Dr. Sharmila Kumari, Vice-Principal, PACE, welcomed the  gathering and briefed on the outline of OBE. Prof. Mohammed Hussain, Training and placement officer, introduced Mr. Faizal, Newly appointed placement trainer and head, Centre for Professional and Organization Development (CPOD).Thereafter, Mr. Faizal gave an insight into employable scalable programs, Learning management system, entrepreneurship activities and other training programmes. 
There was a demonstration on conservation of energy as the country is facing acute shortage of coal crisis, with the power plants shutting down and a message to use the electricity sparingly in the institution and other places was given. Mr. Inayath, Network Engineer, Mr. Shakir, Lab Instructor, Civil Dept., Dr. Sayed Ameen, Dean(SA), PAET, Co-ordinated with Prof. Chandana B.  R., Dept. of E and C demonstrating the event.
Later on, Dr. Ramis, M. K, Principal, PACE, highlighted the importance of OBE. He opined that it is a pedagogical model that entails the restructuring of curriculum, content delivery and assessment practices emphasizing on what is learnt and what the student is able to do at the end of the program. He also discussed on computation of CO (Course Outcome) attainment with few of the illustrations. Prof. John Valder, HOD, Dept of Electrical and Electronics expressed the vote of thanks and Prof. Chandana B. R., Dept of EC, compeered the programme. The meeting was attended by all the teaching and non-teaching members of the institution.

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