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Hackathon Competition by IEEE Student Branch

Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 12, 2022

The Hackathon competition was conducted for the 2nd year students of CS, ECE and AI/ML branch of PA College of Engineering. More than 100 students participated in the first round of Hackathon. The first round had nearly 10 multiple choice questions related to C programming in which the participants had to predict the output of the given program in each question. The first round had a time limit of 30 minutes.
Around 30 participants were shortlisted for the second round of Hackathon. The objective of the second round was to solve 2 programming questions using any programming language of the participant’s choice. The second round was hosted using the website HackerRank. The duration of the second round was 1 hour 30 minutes. In the end, the 3 participants with the highest score were declared as winners. Certificates and prizes were given to the winners of the competition.

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