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Workshop on LinkedIn Career Kickstarter

Jun 15, 2023 - Jun 15, 2023

The Department of Training and Placement at PACE organized a workshop titled LinkedIn Career Kickstarter on 15th June, 2023. The workshop aimed to provide engineering students with valuable insights and tools to enhance their career prospects using LinkedIns premium service. The event was designed to focus on three major areas: Learning, Professional Networking, and Landing Internships. Participants learned about the various features and functionalities of LinkedIn specifically designed for internship search. The majority of the participants expressed their increased understanding of LinkedIns premium service and its potential for career growth. They appreciated the practical approach, hands-on activities, and the expertise of the facilitators.
The workshop was headed by TPO Prof. Mohammed Hussain, Mr. Mohammed Faizal, Head-CPOD, Training and Placement Executive-Mrs. Heena Kausar P. A.
Prof. Wasim, Mr. Jagadeesh and other faculty members, actively involved in the coordination and facilitation of the workshop. 

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